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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023


  • I have no issue whatsoever with legalizing drug use. I don’t think it should be criminal. I also don’t think I should be forced to pay for anyone unwilling to get treatment. If you want treatment, great we’re here to help and support you. If you don’t want treatment, then that’s your decision, but we’re not going to bankroll your habit. Why is that controversial?

  • Lol it’s so stupid to me that you think anyone who disagrees with you is “evil”. Good thing you’ve taken the opportunity to tell us though so now we can all hold you in super high esteem. You should be proud of how much virtue you have.

    Seriously though, people like you advocate for giving out clean needles to drug users because it’s the “kind” thing to do. You don’t want to stigmatize them and you don’t think they’re capable of doing the hard work necessary to better their situation. Unfortunately all it does is enable their self destructive behavior. Junkies are made, drug paraphernalia is used as currency on the street, communities suffer. That isn’t compassion, it’s horrifying. People like me advocate for personal responsibility, some discomfort in the short term, and hard work, not because we’re evil, but because we think they’re capable of more. We know that discomfort and responsibility are the path to bettering oneself. We don’t want them to have to do it on their own, but we do want a level of commitment and some skin in the game. Literally nothing about that is evil. Evil is letting people waste away because you would rather virtue signal and allow them to make the same bad decisions that got them to that point in the first place. Evil is thinking them incapable of change. Evil is enabling their destructive behavior. You are the problem. You are the evil in society, and the sick part is you think you’re virtuous.

  • I have pretty extensive experience with someone who is high functioning bipolar. She’s an incredible person, someone I trust immensely and respect the hell out of. She takes the lowest dose possible of an anti-psychotic. She’s great 99% of the time. Every once in a while, for no explicable reason (this is according to her) she drops into a depression where she wants to take her own life. She truly can’t explain why, and once we’ve ridden through it, she’s back to being her wonderful self. I have seen this cycle play out MANY times and have needed to help stabilize her most of those times. She absolutely should not have a gun. Up until the point that she was properly diagnosed as being bipolar she was incorrectly diagnosed as having depression and medicated in accordance with that. She had two suicide attempts during that time. Again, she should ABSOLUTELY not have a gun.

    Mental health issues come in many shapes and sizes, but the common thread is a lack of stability and predictable function. In no way is this a judgement of the person, I would choose my person a million times over, but you’re an absolute fool if you think that stability and predictability should not be requisites for gun ownership. All it takes is once.

  • I have pretty extensive experience with someone who is high functioning bipolar. She’s an incredible person, someone I trust immensely and respect the hell out of. She takes the lowest dose possible of an anti-psychotic. She’s great 99% of the time. Every once in a while, for no explicable reason (this is according to her) she drops into a depression where she wants to take her own life. She truly can’t explain why, and once we’ve ridden through it, she’s back to being her wonderful self. I have seen this cycle play out MANY times and have needed to help stabilize her most of those times. She absolutely should not have a gun. Up until the point that she was properly diagnosed as being bipolar she was incorrectly diagnosed as having depression and medicated in accordance with that. She had two suicide attempts during that time. Again, she should ABSOLUTELY not have a gun.

    Pardon me for saying this, but YOU don’t know what the fuck YOU’RE talking about. Mental health issues come in many shapes and sizes, but the common thread is a lack of stability and predictable function. In no way is this a judgement of the person, I would choose my person a million times over, but you’re an absolute fool if you think that stability and predictability should not be requisites for gun ownership. All it takes is once.

  • It’s so frustrating to see something like this and realize that an increasing number of people align their views with the anti-fascists, thinking they are the “good guys”, without seeing the inherent hypocrisy of the beliefs they hold. On paper the anti-fascists portray themselves as accepting, but the reality is quite the opposite. Generally speaking they are authoritarian pricks who will label anyone who disagrees with them as racist or bigoted simply to undermine their point of view. No idea should be above criticism.

    I think privileged white people are the largest problem in society these days. I think violence should only be used as a last resort to self defense. I prefer minorities because I find them to be hard working with strong family values. I think freedom of speech only works if it is universal (especially extending to those I disagree with). I’m not entirely sure what classifies as a “dissenter”. I have tremendous respect and appreciation for Jewish culture and the way in which they build community. And yet I have been called a fascist/racist/bigot many times online because I respectfully find the actions and beliefs of ANTIFA abhorrent.

    If you scream down viewpoints you don’t like rather than seek to understand, if you use violence to intimidate, if you seek to wield power to destroy your political enemies, then YOU are the bad guys. ANTIFA does all of these things then hides behind the ruse of being “anti-fascists” because they are cowards and are no better than the fascists they claim to fight against.