Yeah, she was a tough old woman. She was the exception to the smoking rule for sure. She chain-smoked, dipped, and drank whiskey all day lol out lived two husbands and one child.
Yeah, she was a tough old woman. She was the exception to the smoking rule for sure. She chain-smoked, dipped, and drank whiskey all day lol out lived two husbands and one child.
This was my grandma man. She died at 98 smoking until the very end. She used to drive a 1972 Lincon Continental I would ride in the back seat with no chair or seat belt as she chain-smoked filterless Camels and spit dip into a Styrofoam coffee cup.
Edit: I called Camels “cowboy killers” but those were Marlboros and that’s what my mom smoked. Grandma didn’t dig filters because “that’s how you get cancer.”
Yeah, I said generic not do this exactly. It’s a rough idea, not a game plan. You would need a lot of logistical things like cash on hand without using a bank to cash out. I know guys with boats that can’t pay their rent so I am not so sure about the pauper with a boat angle but you could easily do it by disappearing in a national park if that’s your jam. The main thing though no matter how you do it is you never ever ever ever ever ever go back to your old life in any way. Money in the bank, or long lost girlfriend, mom dies nothing.
Then you could use the Linux distro with a VPN from a public wifi.
Generic disappear
Go to the library and study about the country you want to run to. I would pick someplace with a coast. Don’t use your home computer or phone, you don’t want anyone to find these searches.
Go buy a cheap laptop from a pawnshop and get a small Linux distro like Puppy or Tiny Core. Load Tor and find yourself a dark market. Buy a new identity. When your transaction is complete trash the laptop burn the USB stick you ran your Linux distro off of.
Buy a boat. Post all over social media about your boat and how you love sailing or fishing or whatever you do in your boat.
This is the hard part, go on a boat trip and at some point call in an emergency then abandon the boat. Make it look good drag out all the life vests and or sink the boat. Swim/row to shore and never ever ever ever go back to your old life.
You could do it for about $30k.
Have they started the Klan…oh sorry I mean RNC rally already?
Edit: forgot an m
Shows signs of slipping it in your mom! oooooooooooooooooh man I got you good you fucker.
Natural gas is just dinosaur farts so it cool
These shitbags always do the opposite of what’s right. Fuck daylight savings time.
WHAT! The Fonz wasn’t real? That’s crazy talk. You must be one of those Cosby people or Italian.
I would hope it’s something good, something with a nice beat and maybe a piano. A song I adore but haven’t heard in a decade.
My grandfather died listening to Willie Nelson it was peaceful at least.
I brew an 8-cup pot every morning. Most days I only drink half of it, a couple of times a week I drink the whole thing. I roast my own from a blend of coffees I spent almost a year nailing down.
I can quit whenever I want lol
Edit: somehow I posted in the wrong thread. Oops lol it was meant for a post about coffee people being addicts
A final solution to the Hamas problem, what could go wrong?
I am sure they will come up with some sort of solution. Maybe they could all meet up at a villa in Wannsee and figure something out.
This is why you need a good friend who is not afraid to tell you you have bad taste lol.
“He died of a very natural Novichok build-up from unhealthy life choices having nothing to do with Kremlin.” - Some Russian dressed like doctor.
Man, if only they had warehouses where they could gather up all the Palestinian’s belongings for safekeeping. One area could be for rugs, one for jewelry, one spot for shoes, and another for buckets of gold teeth.
I read that as “Unreal: massive push back after Trump admitted he sniffed his workers at latest rally.” The funny thing is I was like yeah sounds about right…stiffed is even better though lol