Have you heard of dishwasher sheets? There’s a few companies making them now, these are the Australian brand I use sheets
Have you heard of dishwasher sheets? There’s a few companies making them now, these are the Australian brand I use sheets
Seconded! It’s sound logic you’ve got there.
The snark you may receive from those jealous is astounding! I definitely got ‘are you dying’ and ‘well your not as fat but still…’ among other drivel. honestly, fuckem. Be proud of your achievement, you do this for you, not them or their approval. They’ll say hurtful things cos they are nasty, keep your chin up, think of some tart responses if you like, but mainly I’d say brush those comments off like you brushed off the weight. Enjoy the cake in moderation and keep on doing what you do
Man, she’s got it by the scary end! Usually you want that pointing away from you but she seems to be trying to help him aim right at herself…
Tobacco companies weren’t making money off them, no juul equivalent here, nothing from Marlboro/Phillip Morris ECT. Big lobbies to push the government. A year past the ban on vapes and I can still find them everywhere… Except from the doctors and pharmacies that are meant to be selling legal replacements.
What about subscription services, food delivery boxes, Spotify, Netflix, anything you can pay for on their behalf to enhance their lives? Can always start out saying you got a two for one deal for 6 months so they don’t refuse outright and you can just keep on doing it.
Highly recommend silo! Second season coming out November. The books were fabulous too ( by Hugh Howie)
Love it honestly, same with the comments section on the page, one person says it totally fits with the Millennial generations views and it’s to annoy the boomers which I totally agree with.
Live that dream, be the duck(or goose) with bow tie in untitled goose game
There’s a pot at the end of the rainbow, but it’s not full of gold
Half the low lovely pollis in Canberra come across creepy. I’d say it’s a combination of high level of entitlement, cockiness and over confidence. He’s also being sued/going through the courts for rape in Qld of another woman.
Chat to other wall flies/bar tender. Dance around in your own(I’ve seen guys/gals at the salsa bars jiggling round and swinging those hips, there aren’t always enough partners). Smile, have a good time. You don’t need others to make it a good time, put out a relaxed positive vibe and it’ll come back to you
‘temporary pause’ . Fuckers aren’t even paying to drain the state dry, giving no time frame for when they’ll resume. And making millions selling it wrapped in plastic.
Furrtographers lol
Those horses are sweeping up
Dragging a trawler across the bottom of the ocean to discover species, and possibly wipe them and their eco system out in one hit. Bravo.
They say to never do what you love for work or it’ll become a chore. Make time to be creative, even if it’s only one weekend a month, it’ll refill the creative juices and balance out the balance
Jesus they found pieces of him all over the place and a knife in his chest. Self inflicted my ass. Stinks of cop involvement the same way the Wagner bosses death stunk of Russian revenge.
That’s areola long way to go to make me fit in
These are meant to be even safe for septic tanks! They do dishwasher sheets too!