Middle of the road: pay your employees in ping pong tables, increase monthly ping pong table quota.
Middle of the road: pay your employees in ping pong tables, increase monthly ping pong table quota.
Couldn’t he have just started a blog, like a normal person?
The ironic thing is, we have a quasi-official definition of what “woke” means from one of DeSantis’ goons:
The governor’s general counsel, Ryan Newman, said, in general, it means “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” He added that DeSantis doesn’t believe there are systemic injustices in the country, reports Florida Politics.
Der Unterschied ist, dass der Babler schon erklärt ist, wenn er mit “unsere Leut’” gemeint hat, und das ist explizit gesellschaftlich inkludierend, nämlich auch den Gesellschaftsschichten, denen es finanziell nicht gut geht und die auch keinen intergenerationellen Wohlstand übernehmen werden, gesellschaftlich besser zu beteiligen, und dafür das Leistungsfähigkeitsprinzip wieder zu stärken, d.h. die, die eh schon mehr Eigentum und mehr Einkommen haben, sollen wieder mehr ihren entsprechenden Beitrag für die Gesellschaft leisten. Ich sehe da nichts, was tatsächlich populistisch oder spaltend wäre, es ist nur eine Ansage gegen den Klassenkampf von oben, den insbesondere die ÖVP derzeit betreibt.
male descendant of a prostitute.
With Yuengling, it mostly depends on what arbitrary definition of craft beer you ascribe to. For a long time, they weren’t considered craft beer because their main product is an adjunct lager.
Wer nicht verklagt werden will, soll halte keine Markenrechtsverletzungen begehen. Das hat mit SLAPP nichts zu tun, die Stadt Wien verteidigt einfach nur ihre Marke.
I strictly only drink afterwards. During brewing, I want to keep a sharp mind so that I don’t mess anything up, and just stick to the plan.
After everything is done and cleaned up, I’ll happily have a few beers and a pizza.
All Zionists are religious nationalists.
Ever heard of Socialist Zionism? The most important branch of Zionism in the first half of the 20th Century, decidedly leftist, decidedly socialist with some collectivist elements (kibbutzim for example), often areligious while remaining culturally Jewish, and a fairly strong advocacy of Jewish-Arab cooperation in its base, at least in the 1920s and 1930s.
Weyermann is selling a liquid malt extract made from smoked malt with a touch of roasted malt for colour that they call “Bamberg Rauch”. If you can find it, you could use it as your base.
Stimmt eigentlich. Die Diversität von Flora und Fauna erhält aber eine relativ kurzfristige und drastische Korrektur, und die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass es danach die Menschheit nicht mehr geben wird, ist ziemlich hoch.
Aber Sommer 1983 war doch auch heiß!!!1! /s
You didn’t sell the recovery tool, you sold the warm and fuzzy feeling that somebody was looking out for them.
Address, phone number, credit card and all.
Oh wow. As someone who used to work in Fintech and who built a PCI-DSS compliant system got it successfully certified, it would be a shame if somebody reported that company for violations that could get them to lose their PCI-DSS certification. I mean, do they just bribe their PCI-DSS auditor to overlook this, or have they just managed to hide this blatant issue so far?
Sounds like you escaped a violent theocratic cult.
Making alcohol-free or low-alcohol beer that tastes good is actually really hard and is still actively being researched. Because of reasons, it’s even harder at homebrew scale.
The main methods are:
Each of the methods have their drawbacks. If you use a maltose-negative strain, you need to be able to pasteurize your beer, otherwise infections are inevitable. This is the reason why LalBrew LoNa is currently not sold to home brewers, as Lallemand does not think that home brewers will be able to reliable pasteurize and use the yeast correctly. The beer will also taste worty and sweeter than regular beer. Dealcoholization on the other hand is basically impossible to do at home. It also leaves behind a thin-tasting beer with unsatisfactory mouthfeel. Recent research has shown that the best tasting non-alcohol/low-alcohol beer can be produced by blending two beers made with these two methods.
Achtung, Nirvana-Fallacy-Alarm. Services wie Twitter und Reddit sind eigentlich ziemlich scheiße geworden (Stichwort enshittification), woher kommt also dieser Anspruch, dass der Fediverse-Ersatz dafür absolut perfekt in allen Aspekten sein muss?
Ah, yes, we can see it with all the communities running their own Mastodon servers and extracting the maximum of wealth from their users. /s
When the CTO decided that he wouldn’t do anything about my work getting sabotaged by a busy-body from another department. As soon as I had signed a new contract, I handed in my notice and told our head of HR (who was very understanding but ultimately powerless) all the reasons why I quit. They didn‘t even try to make me a better offer. I don‘t think I did anything wrong, in fact the CTO had awarded me the company’s “tech employee of the year” award just 3 months earlier.