• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Thank you for the advice brother. I created as much distance i could, and used to think of contacting her again, but forced myself to stick to my decision. It feels like that part of my brain that once used to pulse with love is now turned off. Although I hadn’t felt love in a long time in my relationship either. I focused on myself and did professional and personal development. I’m sure I am on the right path right now!

  • Thanks, but what do I even think about 😭 before I used to be obsessed with minor things such as random words and calculus problems, during my relationship I felt as if I had nothing to think about and I was fine with it. Now I have a lot of mental entropy. It’s vacations so plenty of time to figure out, but man do I feel unproductive at times! Still often get reminded of her but now I am able to put her thought to the side at will.

    I really like your perspective.

  • Thank you. At this point we have 2 ESH, 2 NTA and 2 NAH so idk where we going lol.

    She never clearly said that we are together, of course romantic terms implied that it was true. About over a month ago she sent me undeniably spicy pics too, making me believe further that we were together, and blamed her reduced talking on her depression so I thought we were together still.

    I stayed there even when she emotionally checked out because I know depression is a tough phase and I made sure to express love and care daily to her. So I never really emotionally detached and didn’t pick up the cues apparently, she does admit the relationship ended about a month ago but that she never said it then, only mentioned it months prior.

    Hey thanks for the kind words although I have my fair share of negatives. Perhaps emotional connection is one of those negatives, that her bf is better at? But I knew I couldn’t be with a girl with apparent second choices, even if it wasn’t that way, and told her bf barely sufficient evidence of what was happening because bro code.

    I have blocked her but have the bf in my contacts. I just left the conversation with him after letting him know that I existed (and learning that he existed). I may be open to talking to the guy, what should I ask him?