Ooo, have fun! The sleep is really the biggest thing for me.
Ooo, have fun! The sleep is really the biggest thing for me.
That’s great that you aren’t having symptoms! I’m in with you, I won’t drink with you as well.
Grateful for this check in, it helped keep me alcohol free last night. Woke up to no hangover, great sleep, and now a relaxing Sunday. I realized I had a craving for alcohol due to discomfort and boredom from our D&D session. I like D&D, I just have a hard time with sitting in one place for 4 hours. Drinking some Oktoberfest NA beers helped me beat the craving. Today is my day to do what I want to do, and I get to do it all with a clear head. Day 17, no poisonous alcohol for me!
I’m with you. Woke up really early this morning for some reason, guess I had enough sleep. The house is nice and quiet this morning. I actually had thoughts of drinking this evening, but the engagement from this community is helping me see that I’m not about that life right now. Today I will prioritize taking care of myself, which does not include drinking poison. Grateful for the reframe!
I get 2.5 days a month. Really necessary for mental wellness! Yes, that Firefly. Trying to make sure our teens are culturally educated for memes and geek culture, ha.
Ooo, I’ve gotten through some of these this year as well! Life is Strange and Stray. I got about halfway through Disco Elysium, I liked it, but other shiny things came along. I’m starting the full version of Baldur’s Gate 3 now (played some in beta).
Ooo, what video game are you playing?
Happy to see you here! IWNDWYT
Yayyy for Friday! I took a vacation day. I am going to check my rocks in the rock polisher, go for a walk, pick up some pallets, and probably play Baldur’s Gate. Having pizza with the kids this evening, we are going to introduce them to Firefly. I hope everybody has a fantastic day, I won’t be drinking poisonous alcohol with you today. Day 15!
I’m the same way, it’s the evening cool down that is my biggest trigger. I now know that drinking at night actually makes me sleep worse and feel worse, it’s not the stress reliever I always thought it was. It’s also not a reward for a day well done anymore. Getting out of that mindset does take a little bit. I believe in you, you can do this!
Coffee is soooo good. IWNDWYT
I’m so proud of you!
I so appreciate your cheerleading and support…to 70 and beyond!
Yesterday went so well, totally in the flow! Day 14 for me, looking forward to seeing what comes along today. Not drinking poisonous alcohol today, I’m in!
I’m with you! No poisonous alcohol for me today on day 13!
Hope you feel better as the day goes on.
Hello Tuesday. Appointments, work stuff, all of the boring adult things. I slept like a log. This is day 12 for me, nothing too exciting…but still better than hangovers and anxiety! No alcohol for me today, let’s go!
Happy Monday! I have to deal with some highly annoying coworkers all week and a lot of distraction. I’ll find time to isolate and reset as needed. This kind of thing drains me and sets me up for drinks in the evening to dull out. Strangely excited to figure out some new coping skills that don’t involve alcohol or numbing out. No drinking for me today, no matter how overstimulated I get (any advice or tricks that you have are greatly appreciated).
Cool and windy day here. Trying out a recipe for shrimp and grits today. Cooking is a definite trigger to drink wine, I haven’t found a good replacement for that yet. I’ll stick with NA beers for now. Maybe the idea that my digestion goes so much better without the wine will help, along with knowing that I can fully taste my creation without the cloud of alcohol. Day 10 for me, I’ll not drink alcohol today!
Nice! I love handcrafted wood items, hope you enjoy the fair!