I use paper bags if I have any handy. I also save those junk mail grocery ads which are printed on news print. My compost bin is smaller, which forces me to empty it every other day or so.
I use paper bags if I have any handy. I also save those junk mail grocery ads which are printed on news print. My compost bin is smaller, which forces me to empty it every other day or so.
I spent so many hours on this game. Probably replayed it hundreds of times. The boss battles were so epic. SIGMA! And then discovering the secret shouryuken move from Street Fighter! Wow!
I 2nd this question!
I’ve started Veilguard! Really cool so far. I went with a Qunari (because of the horns) and warrior class.
It sure is. It’s my favorite game of all time. The story, art, gameplay, music which in my opinion are perfect in their own respect, all come together in such perfect harmony as to be greater than the sum of their parts.
Very cool. I’ve never played this series. I wish I had though. I might give the newest one a shot, maybe later this year
Oh I enjoyed that game so much!
I have fond memories of playing Suikoden, but I’m looking for new experiences. To be frank, I’m tired of remakes.
For the most part he refrains from telling you to do XYZ because as he states, we’re all unique, and your healthcare, and diet should be tailored so. He lays out all the strategies and the science behind them and tells you what he does and how he does it. He also tells you what he recommends to his patients. One of his main pillars is that we need to shift from this paradigm of reactionary healthcare and medicine (acting post-diagnosis) to one of active prevention and early (or earlier) screening and detection.
This was a very nice read. Thank you!
I’d rather pay full price than subscribe to PS Plus.
I’m reading Outlive by Peter Attia, MD. It’s sort of scaring me into building healthier habits. It’s also provided a list of things I can talk to my doctor about such as additional screenings, some meds to try, etc. The question is, will my health insurance cooperate? Obligatory FREE LUIGI!
The Elden Ring Seamless Co-op is probably the only way I would have been able to finish the game and the DLC. It allowed myself and 3 others (who probably wouldn’t be able to complete it either) to beat most if not all the bosses.
I’ll check out Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition.
My squad and I had a blast on level 8. The new bugs are scary especially with higher numbers but we didn’t encounter any frustration. We do generally try to run from breaches rather than make a stand. Our kill counts were very elevated like you mentioned.
Oh wow! I played the heck out of this game.
I’ve heard that Clip Studio is pretty close but I have not tried it yet. My experience with Gimp and Krita is that they are fairly close to Photoshop. That is to say that it would be easy for a Photoshop user to jump into those and start working. I have searched for the occasional “how to do XYZ in Gimp or Krita.”
Adobe needs to be abandoned as well. Clip Studio, Krita, Gimp, Affinity are either free OSS or one-time-payment great alternatives without the AI and privacy BS.
I’m in the last season of Hilda. Very imaginative and whimsical.