Is that a real german saying
What an excellent analysis.
Miyazaki loves technology. His films are bursting at the seams with it. He just hates what we keep using technology for.
This resonated with me.
Oh yeah absolutely. Humankind has not been… kind, to their species.
holy shit
I can’t wait for the elephant-to-human translators
imagine if we could actually talk to elephants? if we could, like, teach them concepts?
I mean, speaking literally, it is sadly the reverse
Lightsong the Based
Discworld-ass looking Ephebian
Indeed, my contributions to the discourse are invaluable
skill issue
This was around the period that Jewish immigration to the area picked up momentum. It’s where the whole situation really begins; the events set into motion that would, in time, lead to the civil war that eventually resulted in the Nakba, and Israeli independence.
I think it would be more useful to look at events starting from around the 1920s
this is why I never use ÷ (or more realistically “/”) without explicit brackets denoting order of operations.