You need Damn Small Linux. Nothing says “I am a manly man” than cross compiling your gcc tool chain to be able to compile your own kernel
*Do not do this. How about Xbuntu?
You need Damn Small Linux. Nothing says “I am a manly man” than cross compiling your gcc tool chain to be able to compile your own kernel
*Do not do this. How about Xbuntu?
I wouldn’t beat yourself up too much though. The drawings do look good, and they look like they are painting a story, especially the second you posted.
You’ll want more examples and studies to get better emotion out of the characters. It’s amazing all of the body movements that happen when strong emotion is present that you may not notice without careful observation of similar studies.
Sometimes, the comic book style will be less detailed, like yours, to speed up panel draw time. You see this commonly on web comics for example. Not everything needs to be an anatomy figure book level of drawing
Your figures look flat because you’re drawing what you think it should be rather than what it is.
I would recommend drawing through on the perspective and some practice with making figures out of simple geometric shapes.
Also, I’d consider getting one of those posing mannequins and an anatomy drawing book to give you more examples.
Your poses are somewhat complex from a perspective viewpoint (parts pointing and angles towards different planes). You may want to try some simpler poses like standing with arms down to get the basic proportions right.
Could you use a jig to hold the piece vertically and clamp to keep from rotating, with the to be rounded part pointing down and a router table with roundover bit?
No one can leave the federation as it is a perpetual union! Just kidding
I play doom 2 on zdoom with project brutality 3. It’s good for a quick game and go. Doom 2 base is real cheap on steam and works well with zdoom.
Alternatively, I play Wolfenstein 3d on ecwolf on “I am death incarnate” difficulty. It’s pretty challenging even with the age of the game
This is normal from ram caching. If you get sudden slowdowns and run out of free memory, then you should become concerned.
disclaimer: this is just a test reply/example reply
You could use a food processor or wear goggles while cutting. I’ve heard rinsing them in water while cutting helps, but I haven’t had much luck
More luck this time around, but only mods can post error message. I’ll wait a few hours and try again
Aren’t lemming, fedizens, and reddit r/efugees referring to different specific groups of people?
It might be best to go with something that has more appeal. That’s part of why I went with lemon because it seemed catchy. Lemmings, unfortunately, has historically had a negative meaning. Fedizens is okay, but citizen might be better as it isn’t a portmaneau? (new word combined from other words)
I was trying to create a post of my own artwork, but I’m not able to get anything to take. Are you having to upload it to another site before posting?
Supermodel cats!
Yes, join the cult! Just kidding.
I kind of like the term “Lemons” because the general mood seems to be sour towards reddit from the recent migrants. However, even though lemons are sour, they add a lot of flavor and are a fundamental part of a lot of recipes
I dunno, I don’t think this is going to stop tomorrow. It’s appearing that this might be a permanent schism for a good chunk of Reddit.
Most of the complaints and fears about moving to lemmy, for me, seem a lot easier than it was made out to be. Even though communities are divided across instances, it seems pretty easy to find them, and it seems pretty easy to discover new communities.
I’m not that smart myself, and I figured out how to get on here fairly quickly. Getting on is pretty much like signing up for a reddit account once you know some of the main instances.
I think we’re seeing the beginnings of what I call the “Reddit Schism”. Once the cats started appearing, it has become official. We are no longer redditors.
Our fruits have become soured, and have soured us, with the latest news from Reddit. Let us, the “lemons” move onto the welcoming arms of the federation!
Please standby for this official message…
Pilates Exists.
Thank you