2 years agoE Li, a Warforged Artillerist Artificer with 6 wis who believes he is a Dwarf. His dwarf “father” named him “Yer eh liability, I’m turning ya off” (a sound byte whose semantic meaning E Li can’t parse), so he goes by E Li for short. High Int and low Wis make for a fun RP, especially given sufficient Cha to play out some social skills.
Tanston Maekkelferce, a forest gnome creation bard who captained a spelljammer ship. Fast talking, quick thinking, spell slinging–and IMO nothing beats the feeling of a successful Persuasion check to get the room cleared, followed by Suggestion to receive the MacGuffin without a fight, and topped with a Modify Memory to make the handover seem like their idea in the first place. All while having the best combat mechanics of any bard subclass. My only regret is that I probably took up more table time than I needed in the first rew sessions–it was my first time being the face.