It just seemed the easiest route, but I may just give using the GPU a go.
It just seemed the easiest route, but I may just give using the GPU a go.
Thank you will have to look into that particular forum. Though my problem has been solved for now I will definitely have more things that come up in the future and that seems like just the place for this sort of thing.
Thank you so much, where did you find this bit of information? I have been trying to solve this problem for the past week or so, but my google foo failed me on this one. Was about to give up on this one.
I was at a lan party having a break from the gaming and decided to browse a little bit, the news was blowing up about it.
Soon to be qualified plumber, maybe a month to go or so.
Even with a labour led government doubt much will be done, I was really hopefully for labour to actually do something, not just about drugs but also about housing and a land tax. They did really well through COVID but apart from that it was a lot of promises and a lot of not doing anything. Kinda odd they chose 3 waters as their thing though, considering how unpopular it was with some people.
I have been slowly going through game of thrones, I guess I am a bit behind the times.
Oh wow that meme brought my mood way down, childhood is long gone now.
Oh I feel you, turning 30 this year and feel like I am having a mid life crisis.
Thanks I wasn’t aware it was that little that was needed. Guess in a fuel cell it will even have a longer life span than in a catalytic converter.
The thing is it’s also very rare from what I heard.
It’s not a rule but sometimes I eat sandwiches around the perimeter first, to eat the crust first and then I eat the center.
I haven’t properly played Minecraft in years but I find myself out in nature and just imagining how I would build the area up, how the house would be made, what sort of pathways I would make. Guess what I am saying is I left Minecraft a while back but it has not left me yet.
Yeah definitely wanting the redundancy, most of what I will be storing will not be life changing if lost just a big inconvenience, and for the life changing stuff I plan on having it backed up to cloud storage.
That is a good point about stress testing them, if memory serves me well I believe one of the 12TB would disconnect a while back maybe 2 or so years ago when I was using windows and doing large backups. I think the consensus around seems to just mirror the 6TB and mirror the 12TB drives separate, it’s probably what I will end up doing since in the end I am tripling the amount of storage and really allowing me to lose two drives albeit two different drives before data loss. Feel I may be getting a bit greedy with what I have and should just be happy with what I am getting with that. Looking at getting an upgrade in about a year or two either way.
That’s definitely I have to look into, the nixos page on ZFS had a link to a ZFS cheat sheet of sorts that I have been trying to wrap my head around, thanks for pointing it out though.
Thank you for that will have to have a look into it since I am quite new and I am not completely sure how to go about things in a way to not regret it later down the line in half a year or so.
Yeah I have been having so much trouble running AI stuff on my Rx 6700 XT that I use my media computer with a RTX 2060 to do most of my experimenting with though the VRAM is really limiting.
Not to mention China making artificial islands around it’s coast line to expand it’s territory. Boarder clashes with India, territorial disputes with the Philippines, taking over Hong Kong, and ofcourse the constant threatening of taking over Taiwan.