Hot take; if IT had important gear running on a single power outlet with no UPS where it’s easily accessible and any schmuck could pull the power, she made a pretty compelling point about incompetence.
Hot take; if IT had important gear running on a single power outlet with no UPS where it’s easily accessible and any schmuck could pull the power, she made a pretty compelling point about incompetence.
A surprisingly large number of people don’t vote. I refuse to believe that anything approaching half of voting-age Americans support this. Unfortunately, here we are.
I got this. For those that don’t, search about reiserfs and the author’s criminal history.
One can be both smart and stupid at the same time.
So they are monitoring basically everyone.
NGL, this sounds pretty awesome.
Filed under, “it takes one to know one.”
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.
Musk said it will be back on the road in no time. I don’t think it’s going to be quite that easy.
The “Auto Care” sign in the back of the frame really makes this photo a banger.
Blow them a kiss. 💋
Me when the first meds kicked in: Wow, this is what silence sounds like? It’s quite peaceful and lovely. I should take a nap.
So at least it should trip when the squirting blood shorts it.
But here’s a pizza party for the crew! Be sure to only have one slice so there’s enough to go around.
Does anyone else remember a timeline where this would ruin a politician for life?
My work environment has gone to hell this year. First I was told to move across country on my own dime to keep my job. Then to report to the office 3x a week for no good reason only to have them close the office next to my new apartment forcing me to commute. Then I watched several people get laid off or demoted after moving for the job. Now we are to start reporting to the office 5x a week and there is no assigned seating and no guarantees that I won’t be laid off or demoted next. I’m dealing with it this year by telling them to get stuffed and moving back home.
I’m over 30 years in the field, thanks