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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • love these questions/thoughts.

    1. i don’t think we do! but am assuming [warbreaker]

    vasher/vivenna went through the cog realm with their awakened blades.

    wonder if there’d be a similar behaviour there.

    1. i’ve wondered this too. is it more like shard blades manifesting from nothing in the physical? or more like dead-eyes in the cog realm? i think we’ve also seen people as lights in ob, when the group is traveling toward thaylen city? another interesting thought along these lines is that deadeyes don’t seem to change location in the cognitive realm when summoned. they will wander toward their physical self, but you can just imprison them (like in lasting integrity) to stop that. i assume they wouldn’t bother imprisoning them if they’d just blip out every summon.

    2. would absolutely believe that A is true, based on the raysium dagger in row.