Mhm, would be an interesting scientific experiment
Mhm, would be an interesting scientific experiment
In all seriousness: I am fighting against neonazis here in Germany since >20 years. Physically and rhetorically.
Do not, I repeat do not set teslas on fire!
But new point could be a good idea. I mean, those big canvases scream for some spray paint.
Thanks! We fight!
We had millions in the street against the afd and we won’t stop!
We will take any legal and civil action we can
You have. Go in the street in masses make sure that Republicans fear you.
Our german constitution allows for violence from civilians to protect the democratic order if any other means failed.
We have this for good reasons. To make sure we don’t ever end up with a dictatorship again.
It will pe painful, it will be ugly, but if you wait to long this is the only way
As a german: this is 1:1 the 3rd Reich playbook.
Stop it as long as you can!
Have you ever heard of case of overheating hard drives within the last decade?
Will ja nicht pingelig sein, aber das Länder Schulden machen dürfen hat nix mit dem Militär zu tuen.
Man darf und muss wegen der Aktion meckern aber dann bitte nicht wieder CDU einfach Halbwahrheiten verbreiten
If you ignore the impact on the environment, fertilizers, CO2 production by machines required to grow that stuff. Sure, then it is just ineffective solar.
In reality it is a environmental nightmare.
Edit: some more insight https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2014-12/documents/environmental_challenges_associated_with_corn_ethanol_production.pdf
There is a lot of stainless steel,i can use that.
And the batteries are nice toys.
Throw the other garbage in the bin, I mean, elons back garden
Just to clarify. Google is not good. Google sees us as the product.
But: just because it is this way, misrepresentation of a real privacy feature, just because it is Google, is still bad. And treating Mozilla with silk gloves does make this worse, because it seems to lack objectivity.
And we, as a privacy loving, opensource breathing, community can not campaign for our goals successfully if we lack objectivity in communication.
Here in Germany, a non-profit is not allowed to do any profit
That is just not true… You are not allowed to pay your profits to anyone, but investing it or building reserves is absolutely permitted and a really important thing to do especially if you’re dependent on donations…
As mentioned, it is of course more complicated. But I guarantee you, that german courts and the “IRS” will revoke your non profit status if you pay 20 millions to your CEO. I was chairman in a few german non profits, and the requirements are high.
That is a very American definition of for profit.
Here in Germany, a non-profit is not allowed to do any profit. They are allowed to cover their costs, that’s it. (Of course it is more complicated but that is the essence).
For years and years, Mozilla is doing shady stuff.
Let’s for example look the way how they enabled DoH. Or their decision to let themselves pay by google for making google the default search engine. Or now, spinning up their own ad network.
And on the other hand, if google does something like their new ad auction stuff (that is run completely in your browser and the api is open btw) than there are only bad intentions, according to some folks.
If we keep argumenting this way, Mozilla will make itself the very thing we hate, and we are loosing a very important alternative to chrome
So, now, I am not willing to give them any more slag. They have to change
A company that is able to pay 20 millions a year to a ceo is for profit. Change my mind
Of course you can craft a lm EULA that makes clear their never sell your data. If they want to…
I am fed up. If google does something; google baaaaaaad, if Mozilla does something: poooor Mozilla.
Maybe you want to hold both to the same standards? Yes?
Wenn es ein Verbot wäre, dann ist es kein DLC
Die VW Gruppe macht das ja schon. Also klar, warum nicht
Don’t buy nvidia. Intel and AMD opensourced their drivers and, more importantly, care for their customer needs. And i am talking about gaming customers.
The only thing nvidia cares about is AI and lots of money.
They lie to their customers (fake frames, paperlaunch) und neglect the gaming needs in favor of AI.
And, after all, AMD does not use 12V high power connectors, just simple, non burning, dual 8 pins
Ich hätte da einen Kompromiss Vorschlag:
Keine Maut, wer aber schneller als 130 fahren will zahlt dafür im Monat 5.000€, so als DLC
Why punch a nazi?
If you can punch two. Ohr three. Or four?
Speak after me dear American friends:
Alerta, alerta, antifascista!