• @yamanii
    10 months ago

    It’s good, but it doesn’t care about the lore so people got mad for a while. Just like what bethesda does.

    • @[email protected]
      2110 months ago

      The only lore it changes is shady sands and the year could just be a production error so there’s a chance nothing got retconned at all

      • @uid0gid0
        510 months ago

        It assumes the BoS ending from fallout 4 because the airship is named the same and power armor jetpacks.

        • @[email protected]
          410 months ago

          power armor jetpacks

          Wasn’t even a jetpack (at least in the last episode), fucking Guy uses a helmet-less T-45 with IRON-MAN HAND ROCKETS


        • @havokdj
          110 months ago

          I feel like the institute ending most likely was the canon ending primarily because shaun is the sole survivors son among other things, even though the institute is not exactly morally right (really only the railroad and the minutemen can come close to that moniker). I feel most people let feelings come before true morals and that includes their love for family, which means that the sole survivor would at the very least not destroy the institute even though shaun is a manipulative POS who only sees his father as a tool to accomplish a means to a cause.

          If not the institute ending, then probably the minutemen or railroad endings would be canon, as the sole survivor definitely comes off as a person who would, without a doubt, try to keep doing the right thing heavily into consideration.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Lol, no, thats just the big one that raises some questions about the timeline, if you think the Fallout show properly follows even the lore of F4 you’re not paying attention.

        Just off the top of my head right now while I shit:

        • Ghouls don’t take drugs to not turn feral

        • Where the FUCK is the NCR, the country? It wasn’t just Shady Sands surrounded by ruined LA, it was an actual nation-state that had civilization and laws and was generally less shitty than the rest of the wasteland

        • Mr. House was NOT at some pre-war meeting where Vault-Tec admitted to their vault tests AND that they’d drop the bomb. If he was his actions as explain in FNV no longer add up.

        • for that matter, that vault-tec meeting scene at ALL

        • No, the Enclave are NOT still around with enough power to still have scientists and camps and shit, we’ve destroyed how many of their HQs now?

        I could go on if I thought about it but its wipe time

        • @MissGutsy
          610 months ago

          The ghoul drug thingy is actually a really good lore addition. It recontextualizes a lot of the games in an interesting way. If ghouls have to take these drugs and make enough money to afford them, the implications on morality of previous ghoul characters is fascinating.

          And about the vault tech meeting: this plot point is actually older than new vegas. They took that from the scrapped fallout movie that they wanted to make in the Interplay/Black Isle era. I thought it was absolutely awesome that they researched fallout enough to even know about this obscure thing

        • @[email protected]
          410 months ago

          In the Vault 4 classroom the founding of NCR is shown and the year Shady Sands became the capitol is mentioned. I don’t know why the rest of the NCR should play a role in season 1, they clearly lost control over that area

        • @[email protected]
          -110 months ago

          The only valid one listed was Mr House. I didn’t realize that guy in the meeting was him but if it is, that is weird

          • nickwitha_k (he/him)
            210 months ago

            Really? I’m playing their FNV now and have meet Mr. House. That part seems to match up pretty well.

            • @[email protected]
              210 months ago

              You may be right, it’s been a couple years since I’ve played and as I write my explanation for why I didn’t think it would work I keep thinking of reasons its not true. I totally forgot Mr.House was the owner of robco

        • @[email protected]
          -210 months ago

          new vegas destroyed the brotherhood of steel lore because they lost to the fucking ncr who didnt have power armor. garbage game that shits on the lore

          • ArxCyberwolf
            310 months ago

            Numbers. The NCR vastly outnumbered the Brotherhood and wore them down. The West Coast Brotherhood has always been isolationist and every member lost added up. The NCR could afford the loss of men, the Brotherhood could not. They didn’t “ruin the lore” when the ideology of the West Coast Brotherhood (who have been a thing since the first two games) is the same as it ever was and put them in a really bad spot. They never would have had a chance against a force as large as the NCR no matter how much power armor they had. It doesn’t make you invincible.

    • @[email protected]
      1810 months ago

      From what I 've seen the lore is more than acceptable. If people got mad over that, they have some serious issues in their lives.