• @pressanykeynow
    15 months ago

    That doesn’t answer my question. Prices might be high, but when you just give people more money, they will grow higher. Why wouldn’t they?

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      That’s just greed. They’re doing that already. Prices right now are crazy high, BUT guess what else is? PROFITS. Record profits everywhere. That shit should be illegal.

      • @lightnegative
        05 months ago

        Are the record profits still record after being adjusted for inflation?

        Money is worth less now than it was this time last year.

        Let’s say a profit of $1000 last year is equivalent to a profit of $1200 this year.

        Have you made $200 more this year? Well, technically yes but it doesn’t quite have the same purchasing power as it would have if you made it last year instead

        • @Lost_My_Mind
          15 months ago

          You think our wages keep up with inflation?

        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          Yes, record profits after inflation. Don’t simp for the corporations, they don’t give a fuck about you. They’d rather see you die than give you a penny.