is the man or bear thing rhetorically or optically the perfect feminist meme that is beyond criticism? no.

but is it leaps and bounds better at getting men to understand the material consequences of patriarchy on the physical and emotional health of women than that stupid “kill all men” meme from last decade? definitely.

  • @mojofrododojo
    51 month ago

    Now here comes a meme appearing to imply that men could beat a bear in a fight, and the urge to correct is strong.


    you have missed the point completely.

    • @NounsAndWords
      11 month ago

      And I believe you missed the words “appearing to imply” and my point completely.

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        No they did not. You fail to support how it “appears to imply” anything of the sort, so the comment calling into question your understanding of the entire concept is valid.

        In what way is any of this about a physical confrontation between a man and a bear?

        First, please explain the original meme and its meaning, then relate that to your point.

        • @NounsAndWords
          11 month ago


          The original meme is about women feeling they are less threatened by a bear than a strange man, the bear might leave them alone or not be aggressive where a man would be more likely to. That men can be a threat in different ways.

          Separately men very often discuss what animals they could beat in a fight. This results in a misunderstanding/disconnect between “who would you feel less threatened by” and “who would win in a fight”, which I agree is not what the original meme of women “choosing the bear” is about, but it is a very similar dynamic that results in men explaining that you won’t win a fight against a bear. Which, again, is not the point of the original meme indicating a feeling that a bear might be less likely to harm or threaten you, which is why it results in people talking past each other. (Kind of like right now…)

          • @mojofrododojo
            21 month ago

            so you just conflated two random subjects because…?

            Men don’t ‘very often discuss’ what animals they can fight. get over yourself.

            • @NounsAndWords
              01 month ago

              “very often” is hyperbole, but if you’ve never had/heard of that discussion I would be surprised. But I don’t think “men are misunderstanding the question” is a crazy take.

              “who would win in a fight” and “who would you feel more threatened by” are by no means two “random” subjects, they are very closely related in theme and in most situations the answers would be interchangeable. And the conflation of the two closely related topics of conversation was my entire point.

              • @mojofrododojo
                21 month ago

                the only context I’ve ever discussed this is a horse sized chicken or 50 chicken sized horses.

                the hilarious thing is, it’s not about you, unless you’re the kind of guy who makes women fear for their safety.

          • @[email protected]
            01 month ago

            So your point is that men basically are incapable of understanding simple points AND that they then go on to “mansplain” their entirely wrong opinions on the topic?

            Got it.