Great, can we get FF7 Rebirth on PC now?

  • @[email protected]
    310 months ago

    Fr. Calling FF7R a “remake” of FF7 with its significant story changes and shift from perfect turn-based combat to the most mind-numbing half-measure “action RPG” combat is like saying you’re going to remake Tetris but now it’s a first-person shooter

    • @[email protected]
      1210 months ago

      Calling the new game’s combat “mind-numbing” compared to a random encounter turn-based system is both peak irony and peak rose-tinted glasses.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        I can only speak to my experience. I love the depth of FF7’s turn-based strategic combat, meanwhile I literally haven’t finish the first FF7R entry yet because I keep literally falling asleep during combat. I’m not being hyperbolic, I’m not being facetious, I literally have fallen asleep dozens of times during combat trying to finish that damn game.

        If the combat speaks to you and you enjoy it, that’s awesome and I’m glad it can deliver to you what you need. But for me, I think it’s even worse than the combat in Tales of Berseria and I hate the combat in the Tales of series.

        I love action games and I love RPGs, I just personally rarely find half-measure crossover gameplay styles satisfying.

        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          That’s so fascinating, tbh. I mean, different strokes, so I can’t judge, but it’s the impressively deep strategy they’ve baked into Remake’s combat that I am particularly impressed by. That said, it makes sense though that if you dislike Tales combat, you’d dislike Remake’s combat. They’re not the same persay, but they’re cut from the same cloth imo.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            Yep, that’s why I brought Tales of up in the discussion; glad you agree on the similarities despite their differences too

    • @NocturnalMorning
      210 months ago

      I was fine with the change from turn based combat. I fully expected that even with them trying to hook in newer fans of the series with modern mechanics.

      But there really was no reason to change the story. It was obvious they did it as a business decision when they turned the first 5 hours of the game into 40 hours of fluff.

      I wasn’t even upset with the story additions for the extra character. It was kinda nice even to get some background on the characters before we leave Midgar without them.

      It’s the fundamental changes to the story that really bothered me, that they made for really no reason.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        I agree with all of that. My personal biggest issue is the combat, but it isn’t the only issue and it isn’t the biggest issue with the idea of the game as a concept.

        But unfortunately SqEnix recognized FF7 for the cash cow that it is, and seem fully-devoted to milking it for every last drop it can offer