• @Delusional
    5 months ago

    Unlike the genocider rapist? You know trump will send more weapons to Israel. It’s not like the assholes in charge of Israel will ever stop the genocide anyways. They’re villainous scumbags only slightly more cartoonishly evil than trump. He’ll also stop any resources to Ukraine and let Russia do whatever they want. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if republicans started sending supplies to Russia so they can win the invasion they started.

    Honestly, if you don’t know that trump is the worst possible choice in every fucking area imaginable, you haven’t been paying attention to who he is as a person or you’re a brainwashed sheep. He’s a shit stain. A pox on society. Just imagine if we had a competent president during covid. Would’ve had a hell of a lot less American deaths and wouldn’t have been shut down for so long. Not to mention the damage he’s done to our economy with his nonsense dumbass trade wars and tax cuts for the rich.

    • @Woozythebear
      -125 months ago

      Lol, I’m a sheep for not wanting to vote for Biden? Says the sheep that’s vote blue no matter who.

      • @jumjummy
        85 months ago

        You’re just a Russian troll or a useful idiot for them. With the general election, anything but a vote for Biden helps Trump.

        • @Woozythebear
          -85 months ago

          Sucks for yall then, maybe you should have pushed Biden harder to not commit a genocide if you didn’t want Ttump to win.

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            So you want the genocide of Ukraine, think rape is ok, think the persecution of LGBTQ people is just fine? Because that’s how you are coming across

            • @Woozythebear
              -44 months ago

              Hey you think LGBTQ people are welcome and accepted in Ukraine? Spoiler alert, they are not.

              • @[email protected]
                04 months ago

                We should definitely commit genocide in Ukraine then. They are barely accepted in America either and stand no chance if you let trump and the Christian fascists win.

                • @Woozythebear
                  24 months ago

                  A genocide isn’t happening in Ukraine, they can actually defend themselves and have had internal support through cash and weapons. The Palestinians have no support and their weapons are bath tub grenade launchers…

                  • @[email protected]
                    -14 months ago

                    They can’t defend themselves if you take their support away which is what trump wants to do. So instead of one genocide you have two.

      • @Passerby6497
        65 months ago

        Better a sheep than being cattle walking into the slaughterhouse I guess.