With the VisionPro hype already dead (maybe forever?), bad or tasteless iPad ads, purposeless updates to iPad, Apple dropping their car project, and reaching out to OpenAI or Google for AI services … it certainly feels like it to me. They’ve at least run into their limitations recently however much they want to find the “next iPhone”.

With the VisionPro, I always thought it’d flop and so predicted that it’d be the end for Cook. I’m still holding onto that prediction.

  • @Ballistic_86
    171 month ago

    Sure, by the unrealistic standards late-stage capitalism Apple is falling behind. But in the scheme of things, they are still one of the most profitable/successful companies. They still have enough money to keep innovation, development, and their retail spaces open.

    There are successful companies that make a single product, and have been doing so for 50 years. I wish the view on companies would shift back to that being more the norm.

    • @[email protected]OP
      101 month ago

      There are successful companies that make a single product, and have been doing so for 50 years. I wish the view on companies would shift back to that being more the norm.

      I’m with you there.

    • @flop_leash_973
      21 month ago

      Amen. It has become so normalized to treat company health like Ricky Bobby treats Nascar races, “if you’re not first you’re last” “if your not more profitable this quarter than last then your going out of business”.