• @LazyPhilosopher
    -62 months ago

    "If you don’t vote for genocide, your actually voting for trump 🤓 "

    I’m still voting 3rd party and the blue state I live in will still give genocide Joe my vote so don’t worry OP. We’ll continue to provide weapons to the country that just has whistle blowers leak evidence on concentration camps. Good to know that concentration camps aren’t a deal breaker for you. 😮‍💨

    • @PugJesusOP
      82 months ago

      Good to know that MORE concentration camps isn’t a deal-breaker for you to have the smug satisfaction of voting third-party. Who the fuck cares about the support Trump has already promised genocidaires in Israel and the genocide he’s promising here in the US? You have to FEEL good about yourself!

      I hope we’re not in line together at the camps.

      • @LazyPhilosopher
        -92 months ago

        Again my state will go blue regardless of who I vote for. I’m gonna vote for someone who is anti-concentration camp, unlike you. I get the electoral college is a little hard for you to understand but again please calm down.

        Palestinians are the ones being put in concentration camps not your privileged ass or mine.

        • @[email protected]
          102 months ago

          Oh hey look it’s a real “it can never happen here” out in the wild!

          Yeah. Never is a very long time and we’re on the fast track to fascism.

          • @LazyPhilosopher
            -52 months ago

            It can totally happen here in fact it is. I was just arguing with a bunch of genocide supports from here this morning actually.

            I hate Trump. Trump is a fascist. I just don’t pretend like Biden and the Dems aren’t either. Scratch a liberal fascist bleeds

        • @PugJesusOP
          92 months ago

          Palestinians are the ones being put in concentration camps

          And you’re voting for increased support to Israel. Know what that does?

          not your privileged ass or mine.

          Speak for your fucking self. Or have you not been paying attention to the current state of the Republican Party?

          • @LazyPhilosopher
            -32 months ago

            Yeah, the Republicans are even worse than the dems I know. Just because I’m not afraid to admit that the Dems are backing genocide and it’s not going to work out well for them in the election doesn’t mean I support the Republicans.

            • @PugJesusOP
              42 months ago

              Fuck, do I have to explain to you how the trolley problem works? Is that how basic we’re gonna have to get here?

              • @LazyPhilosopher
                -42 months ago

                The only thing forcing us to pick a lesser of two evils is the idea that it’s the only option we have. Until we get past that, we’re going to be locked in this cycle of picking really bad fascist or fascist who only support genocide over seas.

                The eagerness you have to keep people in this trap and shame them for trying to do anything else is part of the problem. Until You and everyone else grows up and moves on from that (which is really unlikely) we will be stuck In this cycle.

                That’s all there is to it.

                • @PugJesusOP
                  32 months ago

                  The only thing forcing us to pick a lesser of two evils is the idea that it’s the only option we have.

                  It’s the only option we have because the last time we had a good option, in 2020, not enough fucking people turned out to get the better option on the ballot. That’s democracy, unfortunately. Maybe next time I’ll be able to count the number of primary voters in my precinct on my hands and toes instead of just my hands.

                  The eagerness you have to keep people in this trap and shame them for trying to do anything else is part of the problem. Until You and everyone else grows up and moves on from that (which is really unlikely) we will be stuck In this cycle.

                  Oh, don’t worry. If Trump wins, you won’t have to fret about being ‘stuck in this cycle’ anymore.

                  • @LazyPhilosopher
                    -42 months ago

                    You’re so silly

                    Clinton wasn’t a good option lol. She’s the same kind of monster Joe is.

                    I love how you can’t even imagine any other possibilities. Not trying to really organize a third party vote. Not any kind of resistance. In your mind, it’s just inevitable that one of these two parties will always win and we just have to vote for the less evil one. There’s nothing else we can do. You’re a defeatist.

                    I actually am voting in the Democratic primary. I was hoping someone serious would primary against Biden and then maybe we could vote for a better Dem. I’m going to vote for the crystal lady. In the actual election, I will vote third party. Because of how our system works, my vote will still go for Biden because my state will be blue like it always is.

                    The fact that this upsets you is sad

      • @LazyPhilosopher
        22 months ago

        Lmao I’m glad I’m not alone in getting it stranger. Thanks 😊

      • @PugJesusOP
        02 months ago

        “We should end genocide somewhat”

        Literally the Biden position. Which is a mild milquetoast lukewarm moderate take on an issue that should be far more serious.

        But I guess Trump’s “We should intensify and start new genocides” is more appealing.

        • @OccamsTeapot
          52 months ago

          Literally the Biden position. Which is a mild milquetoast lukewarm moderate take on an issue that should be far more serious.

          The extent to which he’s done this (not much) he’s been dragged there by protests and complaints from voters. Literally what the people you’re criticising are doing.

          But I guess Trump’s “We should intensify and start new genocides” is more appealing.

          You could not be more like the meme if you tried. Only an idiot would vote Trump because of this. Most people are just pissed off at Biden for what you describe as his mild, milquetoast moderate take on the issue. It’s almost like you agree but you still shame people with “Trump would be worse” as if 95% of us complaining don’t already know that.

          I expect better from Biden. That’s it. If we can’t criticise him for this dogshit policy then when can we?

          • @PugJesusOP
            -22 months ago

            I expect better from Biden. That’s it. If we can’t criticise him for this dogshit policy then when can we?

            There’s a vast fucking difference between criticizing him for his Israel policy and peddling “both sides” and “I’ll never vote for Joe!” shite, or throwing a fit over being told that sitting by and letting Trump win is literally just voting for more genocide, regardless of whether you pissed away your vote in Green or Republican red.

            • @OccamsTeapot
              22 months ago

              Yes, and pretending that those people you describe represent a majority or even a substantial proportion of the people criticizing him is disingenuous and frankly insulting. Criticism is just that, criticism. And it is deserved.

              • @PugJesusOP
                12 months ago

                On here? It’s definitely a substantial minority. I’m not out on the streets bitching about Biden being attacked from the left - I’m on the Fediverse bitching about it.

                • @OccamsTeapot
                  42 months ago

                  And we’re only complaining on the Fediverse too. About something pretty fair to complain about.

                  I think the amount here that say “they’re both the same” or will actually vote Trump is very small.

                  Not voting I can understand a lot more but obviously not a good decision pragmatically

                  • @PugJesusOP
                    -32 months ago

                    I think the amount saying “They’re both the same” is far too large on here, and is a sentiment that, like in 2016, has great opportunity to be exploited by fascists to eke out a narrow victory.