They had GRRM write Elden Ring. They can get Amy Henning to write SR before she retires

It has Souls in the name already.

Lords of the Fallen did the dual world thing

A weakened hero taking on bosses who are literally gods?

Worst case we get the Lies of P studio to do it

  • @Quetzalcutlass
    210 months ago

    Hey, I just wanted to say I bought Lunacid right after your comment and finally got around to playing it. I’m only at the Catacombs, but so far it’s excellent and a great throwback to Kings Field (though I miss having armor; with only weapons and rings there’s far less exciting loot).

    Thanks for the recommendation, my friend!

    • @TheLightItBurns
      210 months ago

      Nice! Glad to hear that you are enjoying it, happy that the recommendation worked for you! Agreed about the armor. I did miss that. I did enjoy the weapon level ups and finding rings that worked well together. It was a good way to scratch the first person dungeon crawler itch.