• @[email protected]
    15 months ago

    Yeah, i mean, that kinda proves my point, the AI has some major physical advantages, but still only broke even? Seems like its very early days.

    I have heard the “dog fighting is a thing of the past” for decades at this point, they still keep building new fighters with guns. Im not yet convinced its true. With stealth and electronic warfare being more and more common, perhaps there will be a comeback?

    But I am no expert, i just like airshows :)

    • Diplomjodler
      25 months ago

      In this particular case the AI didn’t have an advantage because the plane was designed with a human pilot in mind and only the controls were changed. The difference will come when systems are designed without pilots in the first place. Also, the current war in Ukraine has shown that dogfights are basically a thing of the past.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        The F16 can out fly a pilot though right? It can pull 9g which will eventually overwhelm the pilot? Still has the reaction speed benefits though.

        Edit: i just remembered there is still a pilot onboard, so it probably isnt allowed to just pull 9g turns constantly.

        Has there been much fighter to fighter combat in Ukraine? I thought it was mostly drones and anti-air lately. Havent really been following it much.