• @StaySquared
    210 months ago

    I left FB back in 2020 among other social media accounts.

    The problem with people, just in general… regardless of who they are, what they believe in, what part of the world they live in… they just read headlines and quickly post it for attention. They don’t take the time to read it, ingest it, question it, find other sources to provide more details or to counter the story. People don’t care to have a holistic view of an issue and that’s sad. At the same time I also blame the chitty producers of said news and the titles they decide to go with and how they love to bury the more important information 4-5-6-7 paragraphs or more down the page… you have to read all this bs fluff to finally get to the meat and potatoes of the issue.

    I’m hoping that some how, some way, an unbiased AI is created just for internet search purposes, where it can gather all the data, analyze it, then present its findings into a summary with all the sources listed.