• Resol van Lemmy
    910 months ago

    I am cisgender and aroace. I treat trans people just as equally as everyone else.

    So why does Twitter (I’m not calling me X anymore) hate me now? Do I have to identify as anything other than male to be liked by a toxic community? (I am AMAB) Is this some form of counter-discrimination?

    Obviously trans people deserve rights, but that doesn’t mean cis people should have their rights taken away from them.

    • @[email protected]
      910 months ago

      It’s not about cis bad, it’s about “I don’t want to be called cis, I want to be called normal”

      • prole
        310 months ago

        Oh is it? My immediate thought was that it was Elon being childish and basically saying like, “if I can’t say x slur, then I’m going to pretend it’s the same as this clinical, scientific term to make a point.”

        Like that he thinks he’s truly made an amazing satirical statement here or something…

    • @[email protected]
      610 months ago

      I am like 87% cis and like 67% het. Gender and sexuality isn’t a spectrum, it’s a probability field.

      • Resol van Lemmy
        510 months ago

        I bet all the conservatives are gonna be mad when they find out that even I have no idea if I’m truly male or not. That would make me genderqueer, which is a subset of trans. I mean, I do look very masculine, and use he/him pronouns, but my voice is a bit too… “gay”, and I like wearing tight clothing and oversized sweaters with bucket hats (bonus points if it’s a color that isn’t even close to being associated with manliness, at least where I’m from, such as… idk, pink, and in the case of what I would wear, purple).

        What’s the percentage of cis in that case? 50%? Less? More? How would being aroace affect my het percentage?

        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          Pink and blue only became gender coded because corporations wanted to sell more merchandise.

          “In America by the 1890s and the early 20th century, manufacturers attempted to sell more children’s and infants’ clothes by color-coding them,” she said. Some manufacturers branded pink for boys and blue for girls, and vice versa.

          Until then, everyone wore blue and pink.

          “If you look back, little boys in the 18th century wore blue and pink, and grown-up men wore blue and pink, and ladies and little girls wore blue and pink,” Steele said.

          The complicated gender history of pink

          Purple is a wicked color because it’s the color of royalty.

          Tyrian Purple was associated with the rank of royalty in the ancient civilisations of Rome, Japan, Persia, Egypt and Constantinople, dating back as far as the 16th century BC. But how did it come to be the stamp of everything imperial? For a start, purple was first sourced in Phoenicia (the name translates as ‘purple land’), an ancient city located in modern-day Lebanon. Producing purple dye was a laborious process – and was subsequently expensive – though the method of extracting it was less glamorous. The dye stemmed from the foul-smelling mucous gland of a marine mollusk. As a result, the term purple owes itself to the Latin word for a purple shellfish, ‘purpura’. A time-consuming process saw these sea snails dried and boiled to make Tyrian dye – many of the creatures were needed to dye even a small segment of fabric, but the benefits meant that the intensity of the colour was long-lasting and not prone to fade.

          Purple: an enchanting pigment reserved for royals and rulers

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      It’s the 1% manufacturing consent for a return to slavery while everyone is distracted by their phones

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        The 1% see the working class as animals. They only care about creating wealth. They don’t want nonbinary, trans or gay people in society. That takes away from reproduction. It is the real reason behind the abortion bans and rise of far right in the world.

        The Republicans have dumbed down education so severe the public doesn’t even recognize what’s happening. Everyone is too distracted on their phones to revolt.

        The 1% have made a short term deal with white supremacists to attempt to return to the days of slavery. But they too will be consumed shortly after. America First lol. Everything and anything about us has been commodified for wealth extraction. First they’re coming for your inheritance and family home, then they’ll take the Social Security Reserve fund. The 1% use out of work lawyers and AI to control the narrative and nudge everyone where they want on social media. This has been a long time in the works but number go up brrr.

        We willingly buy and carry spy devices constantly everyday, everywhere we go. They have amassed so much data on us it’s incredible. The amount of technology being used to spy on us is unfathomable to your average citizen. Snowden tried to tell us. The 1% know if they didn’t do something unions and mobs would come for them eventually.

        The 1% were scammed by the oil barons into a false sense of security over oil and its effects. A near extinction event. The climate refugee crisis will be like nothing you can imagine. Water and food shortages for everyone, except the rich of course. Thing is, without the masses who is left?

        I’ll elaborate further later

      • Resol van Lemmy
        110 months ago

        I don’t understand what you mean by that.

    • Jimmybander
      110 months ago

      That’s a new one for me. “Aroace”. I can’t imagine what that feels like though. What do I know? The world is so diverse.

      • Resol van Lemmy
        310 months ago

        Well, imagine being aromantic AND asexual at the same time. The former refers to experiencing no romantic attraction (so… no feeling of love outside of friends and family), the latter refers to experiencing no sexual attraction (so… the lack of a desire to have sex basically).

        You need to have sex to have children, which is also something I don’t want. Hell, I don’t even wanna be married. Most people I know are mad at me for just that, let alone associating myself with the LGBT community for basically not wanting marriage and children… and also not feeling manly enough.

        You learn new stuff everyday.

        • Jimmybander
          110 months ago

          I can’t imagine being mad about someone for that. They need to get a hobby.

          • Resol van Lemmy
            110 months ago

            Well unfortunately they do exist, and they want me to stop it and get married, like a “normal person”.

            I never wanted to be “normal” to begin with.