It’s nothing to brag about, really, I’m just stoked that I have the bed and cura settings dialed in (finally!) that I have no flaws on my grid prints.

it’s the little things, you know?

  • @[email protected]
    22 years ago

    Man that’s such a good feeling. But for me it never lasts too long haha. I guess that’s what you get for buying a 100$ printer and ship of theseusing it.

    • @resoundinglymehOP
      52 years ago

      definitely - this thing is a Frankenender at this point. upgraded springs, bed, extruder, dual z-axis, mainboard upgrade, ABL, etc etc.

      I probably would have a better printer if I had sat down earlier and priced it all out for a comparison, but I definitely have a solid grasp on the fundamentals and could build one in my sleep at this point from going down this path. 😄