• mynachmadarch
    2910 months ago

    It’s complicated, but some would argue the modern Internet started in 1986 (with the adoption of DNS and TCP/IP for the NFSNET), a full year after Handmaid’s Tale was published even.

    But yeah, Atwood stated she took inspiration from religious movements in the 1980s to oppress women, the Islamic revolution in Iran in the 1970s and it’s effect on women, and the pushback in late 1940s against women working after the war ended.

    All of this prexisted the Internet by a long shot.

    • @almar_quigley
      610 months ago

      That is a technicality. Nothing was being shared at the breadth needed to influence large portions of the population back in the 80’s.

      • @[email protected]
        -510 months ago

        I was born in the back half of the 90’s and can confidently say that you’re wrong. Sharing information existed long before the Internet and cell phones.

        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          That’s not what he said though, he said it wasn’t shared to the same quantity, which is easily demonstrated by looking at total internet traffic stats as well as % of households with a connection and the type and speed of that connection over the past 30 years.