• @SkyezOpen
    134 months ago

    I didn’t take a stance yet but go off, Ivan.

    How about this: even if Ukraine is doomed to fall, Russia is still the geopolitical rival of the US and Europe. Ukraine is currently knocking out Russian equipment at a ridiculous rate. Why not give equipment and munitions to Ukraine and continue to bleed Russia dry with no risk to US or European troops?

    • AmoxtliOP
      4 months ago

      Russia is not a peer competitor. All NATO and the EU accomplished in Ukraine is a pointless, futile attempt to militarize Ukraine against Russia, dying Ukrainians with no real objective other than hold the line in a trench and become easy pickings for drones, air strikes, rockets, and glide bombs. NATO totally fucked up the global situation for the perceived gain of “weakening Russia”. NATO made Russia militarily aware, and the stupid alliance is pushing Russia into stronger ties with Iran and China from one direction, while the State Department is pushing China together with Russia from the other side. This is extremely dumb foreign policy. I couldn’t expect anything less from the people running the shitshow. Ukraine is a political show, the elites in the EU, and NATO fully understand Ukraine can’t win, but to the public, they say the opposite that Ukraine still can win, and here you are, a product of psychological operation; illogical, and dismissive of facts They don’t care about Ukrainians dying. Let’s say Ukrainian lives don’t matter, it is still a shitshow.

      • @SkyezOpen
        4 months ago

        Quick question, which country is the only one able to unilaterally end the war right now?

        Second question, if all Ukraine is doing is dying in trenches, why do oil storage and refinery facilities in Russia and occupied Ukraine keep exploding every other day?

        • AmoxtliOP
          4 months ago

          Why do you ask questions? Answer this… Russia can end the war if only NATO stays out. Those are conditions for a peace deal, which NATO rejects. NATO has no interest in Ukraine surviving. NATO elites know that Ukraine can’t win yet what they think and what they say are different things. Russians view NATO as an existential threat. NATO is to Russia is what the Warsaw Pact was to NATO. Western elites created a myth of an imperial Russia that suddenly wants to conquer Europe. The only people with stupid foreign policy is the US and NATO, Russia does not have stupid foreign policy. Does Israel-Gaza ring a bell, 20 years in Afghanistan for nothing, the Iraq War, the Vietnam War and the domino theory? Who has the stupidest foreign policy? Russians were stupid for adopting communism. I would wish communism on my enemies.

          • @SkyezOpen
            4 months ago

            I know our stance on Israel is shit. Imperialist expansion should always be fought. Oh, speaking of, what was Russia doing in Georgia and Chechnya?

            Even more important, if Russia is trying to prevent nato expansion, why are there more countries in nato now that before the war? Seems like a bad strategy.

            Give me some good Russian telegram channels, I can only find hundreds of videos of Russians getting shitmixed. Seriously, the mod telegram had a video of some vehicles moving and shooting and nothing else and they claimed they killed a whole bunch of Ukrainians. Meanwhile the UA telegrams have russians getting their heads exploded in high definition. Like a shitload. Oh and I saw yall destroyed one whole HIMARS. That’s pretty big. Only about 40 left. Better get on that.

            • AmoxtliOP
              -134 months ago

              The minds behind the US-Israeli Alliance are the same minds behind the Ukraine conflict. Why is the US picking on China for, why does it have sanctions on Cuba? China and Cuba did nothing to the US. You don’t apply the same standard the other way around. Humans lives are subservient to politics. Western states say some of the dumbest, craziest shit that makes Kim Jong-un look sane, and rational. Look at your daily politics, bread, and circus. I honestly don’t understand how Westerners can keep their sanity. Maybe they don’t, and are in fact insane.

              • @SkyezOpen
                4 months ago

                Yeah and a 3 day special military operation that turned into a 2 year war is amazing strategy as well. But hey, keep throwing meat to the front and maybe eventually you’ll win. Just hope it happens before you get conscripted, Ivan.

                Edit: oh hey, remember what I said about the oil depots?

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