Horrible voter outreach.

  • @wreckedcarzz
    9127 days ago

    For the last few years, I just reply to everything with some raunchy furry porn, whatever I have on-hand on my phone, followed by ‘stop’. Most are just automated, but now and again an actual person will reply, and it brings me joy. You didn’t ask for gay furry bondage porn, I didn’t ask to be bothered. An eye for an eye and all that…

    • @Korne127
      5327 days ago

      You didn’t ask for gay furry bondage porn

      The manual replier be like

    • @Potatos_are_not_friends
      3727 days ago

      By responding, regardless of what you say… you’ve given them information that you exist as a human.

      • @[email protected]
        3027 days ago

        Yeah, even texting STOP is still giving them what they want - they included that to trick people who would otherwise ignore it into verifying their existence.

        • Kairos
          1427 days ago

          I’ve probably blocked 100 numbers by now.

          • @Sterile_Technique
            1027 days ago

            Numbers can be (and VERY often are) spoofed. You might be hit up from some bot in India or something; get annoyed and block the number; and succeed in blocking some grandma in Ohio who has no idea her number was even used for that call.

            It’s basically a heavily abused version of an office building with lots of specialty areas that each have their own actual phone number that can be called directly; but when they call out, your caller ID just shows the main line for that building, which prevents random people from calling back directly to that office.

            Moral of the story: blocking spammers doesn’t do shit.

            When they call, just let it ring and go to voice mail then ignore the voice mail, and don’t send any kind of response to their texts.

            Your best option is to support the possibility that yours is an old number that’s no longer in use and thus not worthy of even a bot’s attention.

            • @Daveyborn
              124 days ago

              I hate when it’s my number being used for spoofing, try explaining caller ID spoofing to grandma or grandpa.

        • @WhatIsThePointAnyway
          27 days ago

          I junk hit the delete and report junk link on iPhone to these types of SPAM.

    • fatalicus
      1127 days ago

      That is fun for the person who just had their phone number spoofed by the people who sent the spam, and now received furry porn from some random idiot.

      • @wreckedcarzz
        226 days ago

        shrug complain to your government about cracking down on number spoofing (something they absolutely have the ability to end at basically a moments notice, but haven’t, because there’s little incentive). Until then, furry dicks.

    • @Stupidmanager
      427 days ago

      Enjoy while you can. Places like California are cracking down on unsolicited pics like that. No matter what we feel about unsolicited political texts (I can’t unsubscribe, can you?), we can’t send shit like that back without getting sued.

      I’ve changed it up and ask them to bring ductape, hacksaws and some stretch and Flex hefty bags. We’ve got a body to dispose of.

      • @[email protected]
        627 days ago


        depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way, and that, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

        Gotta ask their lawyer about artistic political furry porn

        • @wreckedcarzz
          427 days ago

          Yeah, all my replies are “art”, not just two people banging. I mean, they are still banging, but it’s drawn. Lewdly, and in detail. But artistically.

        • @[email protected]
          327 days ago

          What if we send pics of Manet’s Olympia? That painting was considered scandalous in its time, but it’s classified as fine art now.

          Or sending classical nude figures, or kouros figures(ancient Greek sculptures of nude men.) That could be fun, and confusing.

      • @Dkarma
        126 days ago

        Yeah I’d counter sue. I sure as fuck have the right to express myself via text

        • @[email protected]
          125 days ago

          So how does this differ from sending unsolicited dick pics? Do people have a right to express their penises via text?

      • @wreckedcarzz
        427 days ago

        I mean I would but I’d rather not get banned from this community :p