I have asked on the site but no one seems to know. If this is not a feature it would be wonderful if it became one in the future. In the AI character chat you can create an image on there similar to creating one from the text to image model, but is there a way to import an image I created from the text to image generator into my AI character Chat? Because it is a random generator I can put in the same prompts but I wont get the same image that I made on the other generator, I have even tried a few different things with trying to input the seed #

  • 🎲VioneTM
    11 month ago

    Just to note, the AI cannot parse any image to reply with, so if you are looking for it to reply based on the image you sent, it wouldn’t be able to.

    You can add images by adding a <img> element like so:

    <img src="image.url">

    Where the image URL can be a data object or regular URL.

    Also note that if you haven’t set it as a hidden from AI, the long image URL might be added to the AI’s memories.

    • @drakethefirstOP
      11 month ago

      So by using that code, I could add a image just like I add the image to the character chat profile? I copy the image generated url and add it to the code? Sorry I am 100% new to this but want to learn.

      • 🎲VioneTM
        31 month ago

        Here is a video demo of it

        If you just want to add images, that is the way. You don’t really alter the code, but you just sent the image as a message to the thread.

        • @drakethefirstOP
          11 month ago

          That was the greatest answer I have ever received. That is exactly what I needed to enter an image. 👍

          • 🎲VioneTM
            11 month ago

            Just remember that if you have autoreply enabled. It would reply based on what it gathered from the text you have inputted and not the image that is displayed. From the video, I added an URL and it assumed that it was for a video game lmao.