Yes i literally just got it functional and have a trillion things to do before I make the plugin page look nice. BUT IT WORKS. try it there. incorporate it in to your games. make it so, after someone brings their kitty thru your long and arduous tasks, they get a score and let them enter their name and add it to your leaderboard which is on one of your tabs. stuff like that. I made it pretty easy to use I think. Uses node.js back end on Glitch and will adapt as we break it, lol. requires the barest tiniest javascript but so tiny that if you don’t know js just ask how to get it on your generator.
it is highly duplicatable. if you want to make it look nicer and be the master of it’s page, feel free.
literally just [leaderboard(leaderboardsettings)]
to place the leaderboard and to add an entry, allo.leaderboard.add(score,name)
Some suggestion before I go to nighttime - is there a way to remove entries completely through
? The reason why is because the leaderboards in my Complete the Number Blocktrains game gets “wiped out” gradually every time an entry gets added in the “core engine” of the leaderboard when someone completes a round, and to remedy that issue, I instead want the previous entry to be then replaced with the new one with the new score from the same player. Also, each entry should have its unique ID so you know which ones have to be removed (can be through an index too).The suggestion applies to the Leaderboard v1 plugin which I use for the game (and v2 as well if you want to).
idk why it was removing entries that much.