A bill sponsored by GOP State Rep. Dodie Horton would shove Christianity in students’ faces
Worth checking out the posters that an activist has prepared at the bottom of the article.
A bill sponsored by GOP State Rep. Dodie Horton would shove Christianity in students’ faces
Worth checking out the posters that an activist has prepared at the bottom of the article.
Does anybody else think it’s peculiar that when there’s a post here that’s critical of the right, or points out their cruelty or criminality…
the bOtH siDeS kids are always absent from any discussion on it?
I wonder why that is.
I see more posts preemptively bringing up bothsidesism than bothsidesism itself.
We see what we want to see I guess.
Both sides arguments are only ever used to deflect from something awful R did, or lessen the value of something good D did.
The moment you see the both sides argument come out you can know immediately that the person is purposefully or obliviously pushing a conservative agenda.
I think this is the point you are implying, but I just wanted to say it explicitly.
It’s horseshoe theory in action.
It’s pretty clear who those folks want as POTUS in 2025
Oh I’ve no doubt about their intentions. The problem is that if you actually say it, your comments get removed and you face potential bans…
But they can accuse people of supporting genocide all day.