• @Godnroc
    2010 months ago

    Have you tried just tossing it in whole? It gets soft, then you can fit it in.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      And before anyone complains that that takes too long, it’ takes like 30 seconds. If waiting that long is gonna ruin your pasta night it’s already fucked.

    • @Pilferjinx
      710 months ago

      I like it broken in half. It’s more manageable to eat without flinging sauce all over the place.

    • @[email protected]
      010 months ago

      Then half of it will be slightly more cooked than the other. Small issue, sure, but bigger issue than not keeping every strand twice as long which doesn’t benefit anything whatsoever.

      • @Godnroc
        610 months ago

        It does if you twirl your fork to collect the spaghetti. The longer stands form a ball of sauce and noodles with only a few stands. If the noodles are half as long, they may not stay twirled, can flop around more, and require more stands to reach the same size. More mess, more work.

        Also, I would challenge you to tell which end of the pasta went in first. Actually, it would be a challenge to even find a way to test that…