• @[email protected]
    -2810 months ago

    If youre so suicidal youd rather to be eaten alive than a chance to be condescended to, theres a problem.

      • @[email protected]
        -1610 months ago

        Tbh, my bigger question is if you’re in bear country, why arent you carrying a big gun? Be prepared!

        The whole thing just reinforces a helpless victim mentality, and it irritates me. Its misogynistic. If you’re that worried, buy a gun, learn to use it safely, and carry it. To me, this is on the same level of not having a fire extinguisher or toilet plunger. I just dont understand people who refuse basic defense. Did they watch an old western and see the damsel get tied to the railroad tracks and get the wrong message?

        • @neatchee
          10 months ago

          Some people think “just buy a fire extinguisher”. Other people think “why not prevent the fire in the first place?” And a few people think “I prefer defense in depth. Mitigate the fires to the degree possible and keep a fire extinguisher nearby for emergencies.”

          Only one of these people has it right. Can you guess which one?

          • @[email protected]
            -1010 months ago

            In both scenarios, youre still carrying the gun. Just in one, youre not going down crime alley at night. Youre carrying regardless.