• @LifeInMultipleChoice
    1026 days ago

    Never done whip-it’s before, if they said they are a 20 second head high how could someone tell after? I worked in/around a couple kitchens when I was younger and they are usually full of drugs. I knew there was at least weed, cocaine, and mushrooms available on one of them, the other I think was weed and meth, cocaine I think was yo costly for the people who worked there.

    That said, D) they shouldn’t be a manager of anyone if they think inspiring people to do better is threatening the entire staff with no raises because of a that. Just say something one time and be done with it if you don’t know who it is. If you pay well and are respected, someone would be telling you who it was because they are sick of their shit.

    • @Donkter
      526 days ago

      The 20 second head buzz is a huge under exaggeration. Seriously, whippets are a common party drug. It’s short lived for sure you probably do get only maybe 30 seconds to a minute of being completely zooted, but you absolutely are acting dumb for like 10-20 minutes after that. It’s not like a “high” high but it’s like being stoned.

      • @pjwestin
        125 days ago

        Yeah, I’ve never actually done Whippets, but from what I understand it’s like Salvia, where the high only lasts a few minutes but you’re left kinda loopy for a while afterward. Also, anyone I’ve ever met who was a heavy user (like the kind of person who would need to do them in the walk-in to get through a shift) was pretty fried.

        • @Donkter
          125 days ago

          Yeah, kinda. It’s WAY less of a high than anything like salvia or DMT of course. Definitely a little psychedelic but mostly just nice so it’s easier to abuse, no bad trips or anything.