• @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    Dear confused men (hashtag: not all men): You have lots of problems. The vast majority are not caused by women. One of your problems is trying to blame us for many of the harmful things you do to yourselves, or that patriarchy/toxic masculinity does to you. Another problem is loathing it when women try to help you by explaining this to you but it isn’t what you want to hear bc it isn’t stroking your ego (or other bits). So there really isn’t much else to be done - your problems are yours to solve, and all we can do is try some damage control for ourselves while you guys bang your heads against the floor.

    Sincerely - Feminists, who care about men, but not to the point of our own destruction any longer.

    • @HardlightCereal
      32 years ago

      Thanks for pointing this out. I’m trans and I got sexually harassed for being asexual when I was presenting as a man. Ain’t never happened as a woman. On the other hand, the people who harassed me in the first place were men. It was horrible, but it wasn’t gender warfare, it was just the patriarchy being horrible for men. As a woman, there’s no pressure to enjoy sex. Instead, you’re expected to marry a man you aren’t sexually attracted to and have his kids. It’s a whole different kind of awful, and both kinds of awful are caused by the heteropatriarchy.

    • Aesthesiaphilia
      -12 years ago

      One of your problems

      Thank you, oh glorious and righteous Angel of Feminism, for educating us lowly male peasants on Our Problems.

      No one was blaming you all for shit until you came in here belittling male issues out of nowhere.

      Bunch of feminists came in this thread and picked a fight. Piss off.

      • @[email protected]
        42 years ago

        The meme is belittling feminism and/or women’s issues. If you don’t want to start a discussion, do not post provocative memes. Otherwise live with the discussion that will ensue.

        • Aesthesiaphilia
          12 years ago

          No it wasn’t. It was pointing out that unrealistic body standards for men are never part of the conversation, despite being so blatant.

          • @Nataratata
            12 years ago

            So you feel like whenever people talk about how there are unrealistic body standards for women they also have to mention and talk about unrealistic body standards for men.

            But at the same time you complain about feminists allegedly talking about feminist issues in discussions about men’s issues.

            I feel like something doesn’t sound right with that logic…

    • @[email protected]
      -42 years ago

      One of your problems is trying to blame us for many of the harmful things you do to yourselves, or that patriarchy/toxic masculinity does to you.

      Ummm… First of all men are not a collective, but aside from that…

      Women are complicit in toxic masculinity, and patriarchy, you are aware of that right? Like women have the same ingrained societal baises.

      It drives me insane that the academics that created the concept of toxic masculinity would be so friggen sexist in their connotations. That seems like a basic ethical consideration for someone studing gender, but apparently not!

      Ideological holes.

      • @HardlightCereal
        12 years ago

        Feminists are perfectly capable of recognising toxic femininity and toxic androgyny. The difference between those and toxic masculinity is that toxic femininity encourages violence against women and enbies, toxic androgyny encourages violence against enbies, and toxic masculinity encourages violence against everyone. Violence against everyone is a big deal, maybe a bigger deal than lateral violence. I personally am less able to withstand lateral violence than indiscriminate violence, so I personally have more trouble with toxic femininity. But I understand why some have more of a problem with toxic masculinity.

      • @[email protected]
        -42 years ago

        (Proceeds to watch the subject bang his head repeatedly, injuring himself with the very same arguments he thinks he is making. Pointing out failure to read comprehensively might help, but more likely only increase the intensity by which he injures himself. It is a sad sight, one of many. She must move on.)