• @dragontamer
    10 months ago

    Cops aren’t warriors.

    There’s another bullshit thing we need to get rid of. Cops are NOT swat team. And the idea of a “Warrior-cop” is one of the worst fucking things in our culture right now.

    Liberals have been asking cops to stand down and be more kind for the last decade and suddenly in this case, yall are asking them to be militant warriors again.

    No. Leave the “warriors” to the SWAT team at best, and I’m not even convinced that SWAT is a good idea for all cities to have. Warrior-cop mentality is one of the worst things going on in this country right now, and I want to speak against it.

    Cops aren’t soldiers. They’re supposed to be community members. In other countries, cops don’t even carry guns.

    • @[email protected]
      4410 months ago

      Weird, I want cops to not strangle someone because they may have used a fake bill, or shoot someone because they were called there to help with a mental health crisis, or shoot someone because they busted into the wrong apartment, or to flash bang a baby.

      But I suppose that means I want them to be kind to someone actively shooting kids.

        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          I’m whooshing on this one :)

          But as far as know, nothing in the cop rule book says an anaconda can’t be a cop.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            “Sergeant Chokey, you can’t eat all the suspects. Even the union can’t cover for all.”

      • @dragontamer
        10 months ago

        The training sets up the mindset of the cops.

        I don’t believe any cop should get advanced weapon training unless they’re explicitly assigned to SWAT and/or Riot control. And normal beat cops honestly don’t deal with hyperviolent people often enough to deserve the mindshift or the training for violence.

    • @ghostdoggtv
      2610 months ago

      Nice straw-man, but if they can’t take the heat they shouldn’t be in the kitchen cooking. Uvalde cops went AWOL while children died and you’re defending the AWOL cops against arguments that we’re not making while lumping us all in as flip flopping liberals. Surprised some people know how the government works? They weren’t anywhere close to war and guess what, war is worse. They wouldn’t just stand there, they would run away.

      The exact reason why the police refused to engage with the uvalde shooter is precisely because they spend every waking moment fantasizing about being Rambo and then they can’t handle the adrenaline when there’s actual lead in the air. They let the kids catch it all instead. These aren’t men we’re talking about anymore.

    • @reddit_sux
      710 months ago

      They aren’t cops either if they dont have regular training in tactics and law and regulations.

      • @dragontamer
        -1010 months ago

        Oh? And the typical UK Cop doesn’t even have a pistol.

        Get your head out of your ass and see how stupidly overmilitarized USA’s cop culture has become. Think about how our expectations here in Uvalde are causing that, and stop pushing for militarized cops.

        • @reddit_sux
          110 months ago

          Tactics needn’t be militarization, there is no need for military tactics. But general training is necessary.

          • @dragontamer
            10 months ago

            A chief tactic is knowing cover vs concealment, especially when you have a high powered rifle that can shoot through bodyarmor, doors, and walls.

            Now if you’re saying that you support giving the Police regular access to not only higher-powered weapons, but also tactical training so that they start shooting through walls and doors to get what they want done, then… I dunno man. Its an escalation I’m uncomfortable with.

            I don’t want Police to be thinking they’re some hero who can breach doors, shoot into positions or suppressive fire (etc. etc.). I’m fine with them having a pistol-level of force, but Police deciding that shooting through a wall was a good idea is exactly what killed Breonna Taylor (one of the unarmed black people that BLM went ballistic about just a few years ago).

            We need to consider the tactical training and mindset of cops when we give them these weapons, mindset and training. IMO, the mistake was that military-style thinking. Cops aren’t military, but a bunch of (less-trained) dumbasses on a $50k/year salary is what killed Breonna Taylor IMO. Especially as they escalated far beyond what normal cop behavior should be.

            • @reddit_sux
              110 months ago

              a bunch of (less-trained) dumbasses on a $50k/year salary is what killed Breonna Taylor IMO

              This is what needs to change, more training, more and frequent practice. Every cop in my opinion should get 3-4 years of training. It should be like graduation. Plus they should undergo biannual (twice a year) practice and updation of that training every year.

              Every trigger happy cop should get demotion till they are fired.

    • @Stamau123
      110 months ago

      Tag: Uvalde Tactical Bystander Specialist