Or rather, homelabs and home labs?

Labrador (image from Wikimedia)

  • @NeoNachtwaechter
    89 months ago

    Interesting idea. It needs one big stepper motor, I guess. Do you know a specific type that’s strong enough?

    • @ikidd
      109 months ago

      Could just use a regular DC motor and limit switches.

      • @Madison420
        49 months ago

        Linear actuator, that’s literally how the commercial units work. Most are step capable either addon or built in and some have built in close resistance tests so you don’t mush the puppy or a kid or whatever is running about your house.

        If you just Amazon automatic sliding door linear you’ll get results for units you can wire into your own setup. They’re Chinese but you can use it as a base to build better or simply an example to do the same.