• casey is remote
    -44 months ago


    > You’re also forgetting that Biden handed those documents over willingly and without delay whereas Trump claimed he didn’t have them and then, when pressured, admitted he did have them but claimed he was allowed to.

    So? The law doesn’t care; the criminal activity is having the documents, not refusing to return them or lying about having them.

    • @glimse
      54 months ago

      If you think that Trump is on trial just because he had the documents at all, you clearly are following the case about as much as Trump’s business history…as in… not paying attention at all.

      • casey is remote
        -34 months ago


        > If you think that Trump is on trial just because he had the documents at all

        …I don’t? He’s on trial for many things.

    • casey is remote
      -54 months ago


      > That’s your man?

      No, I’ve been criticizing #Trump during the entire #GOP presidential nomination process

      > That’s who you think should run the country?

      Not really, but he’s way better than #JoeBiden