• @[email protected]
    5710 months ago

    The first problem is that one group is talking about one thing and another group is talking about another thing but they both call it the same thing.

    Then when the normal American who believes we’re in a recession is told we’re not in a recession, they look at their bank accounts and resent being told they don’t know what they’re talking about. Resentment breeds a defensive stance and isolationism.

    So many people are told they don’t know what they’re talking about these days. Meanwhile, fringe organizations (or what used to be fringe) are happy to comfort those who’ve been told they’re idiots.

    This isn’t a political aisle or philosophical issue. This is about general intelligence. This is about taking your face out of your screen and looking up and around your environment - or, seeing the forrest for the trees. You may not give a crap about anything other than your wallet but a veiled perspective is going to warp your reality.

    There’s a lot to criticize in politics / everything today. It would be nice if people were using facts to inform their criticism. It would be nice if people weren’t getting their facts from social media and what amounts to today’s version of the check out aisle tabloids.

    • @[email protected]
      1410 months ago

      I’ve been out of work for seven weeks with no relief in sight. But I’ve been watching my industry laying off tens of thousands of people for months. I’m not surprised in the least to find myself in this situation. Meanwhile, I’ve also seen unions winning big for the last couple of years.

      I’m personally doing poorly, but overall things are looking up and my turn will come around again before long. I just have to wait for things to return to normal after a bubble pop.

      • @PopOfAfrica
        610 months ago

        Laid off about 9 months ago. Its doesnt get better. My options now are fast food or labor.

        • Snot Flickerman
          10 months ago

          And if you haven’t worked in a warehouse or fast food recently they often tell you to get fucked anyway!

          As if that isn’t proof enough that these are skilled jobs.

          • @PopOfAfrica
            10 months ago

            The layoff was due to the college I worked at going under and closing. The vast majority of coworkers in my circle are still unemployed after all this time.

            People act like its so easy to get a job, but it seems impossible in rural America especially.

            The solution just can’t possibly be everyone working in food or labor.

            Addition: Bruh who would downvote this?

            • @Seleni
              19 months ago

              The same people who are in this thread saying that everything’s great because 60% of the people who responded to the survey say their conditions have improved.

              • @PopOfAfrica
                9 months ago

                Which is crazy because 40% is not a small number of people who havent seen improvement.

    • @afraid_of_zombies
      69 months ago

      Facts: workforce participation rate never recovered from 2007, the cost of medical insurance/tuition/housing have all outpaced wage growth of all but the wealthiest people, meanwhile the earning ratio between the lowest paid and high paid workers have exploded.

      You can call me any nasty name you want but we are in a recession. When I start seeing those numbers I listed change is when I will stop saying that.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Thank you for perfectly illustrating my point. We are NOT in a recession. I don’t know the correct terminology to describe the facts you’ve laid out but “recession” is not it.

        • @afraid_of_zombies
          09 months ago

          Pretty sure I used the correct word. If economists need a safe space away from it I am sure their banker friends can pay someone else to build it for them, you know with my money.

          • @[email protected]
            09 months ago

            You’re wrong and ignoring everything you’ve been told to rationalize your feelings and direct your resentment. You don’t get to re-define words because you’re upset.

            “Recession” is a specific word based on specific measurements. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/recession.asp

            The problem is that you’re angry at the wrong thing. As I said, there’s a lot to complain about and it would be nice if people knew what it was they were complaining about. Like, you’re yelling at Netflix because you don’t like that HBO is now called MAX.

            • @afraid_of_zombies
              19 months ago

              No you are wrong. You and your economists friends took a word that had a well known meaning and redefined it to get the result that they wanted. Then have the audacity to demand that we all use the definition they created. They can all go and fuck themselves for all I care.

              Recession: noun, bad shit happening to poor people for a while.

              I get it in a way. They read 1984 and decided “hey this is double plus good way of getting what I want. Rather than deal with the real universe I can just redefine words and declare everyone who disagrees a heretic”. Wealthy = scarcity, peace = war, slavery = freedom, and recession = economic boom.

              It is so so much easier to just attack people compared to solving issues. I can’t wait until the day when your economists friends decide to redefine climate change as normal.

              • @[email protected]
                09 months ago

                K. You’re just delusional. Again, thank you for very perfectly illustrating my point.
                You’re even doing the defensive thing I described when I’m on your side and agreeing with your frustration.

                  • @[email protected]
                    19 months ago

                    Dude. You are pointing at the truth as established by linguists and experts in their field and saying it’s a lie. You are delusional.

                    Delusional: characterized by or holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary.

                    I’m not sure how else to express this again. Everything you are claiming is factual and troubling – aside from it being called or related to a recession. You have all the truth at your finger tips, but you are rejecting it. You are rejecting the truth because you are angry and lazy and find more comfort in your own limited beliefs than someone informing you that you are misinformed. The title of this post is “more than half of Americans think the US is in a recession, it’s not” and the article goes on to explain why IT IS NOT and you are rejecting it. You are presenting real world dinner table economics as somehow related to a recession when it is not and never has been.

                    Please, I sincerely want you to read into this rather than ignore it. Please read about what a recession is and how your real world economics is not directly related to it. I want you to understand you are barking up the wrong tree while right behind you the tree that’s relevant to your concerns is on fire. This is going to better inform you so you can support the right politicians and better understand the news (which you evidently are not reading anyway).

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      Nah, this is about the fact that the moment a Republican is in office, half of these people will immediately think the economy is doing great.

      Every presidential election I have seen where the incumbent is a Democrat has followed the exact same pattern.

    • @iopq
      010 months ago

      More than 60% of people poll they are okay financially. But the 30something% are much louder than the people who are not struggling

      • Snot Flickerman
        1010 months ago

        When you aren’t sure where your next meal comes from or if you can afford rent and you already work full-time…

        I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that is probably a valid time to be vocally loud about it.

        • @iopq
          -69 months ago

          There aren’t more people struggling now than before, though. We just hear more about it and that’s the difference