• @mojo_raisin
    04 months ago

    Without ambition and drive people would still be living in caves.

    And we’d have a planet to live on indefinitely rather than letting a few thousand rich people destroy our world causing massive suffering. But really, there’s a world between living in caves with zero progress and letting capitalists destroy our world while we praise them, I’m not suggesting we live in caves, I’m suggesting we don’t let ambitious assholes kill us all while blaming us for the problems they create.

    I don’t need some jabbering moron with an agenda to tell me how I should feel about things I can observe with my own eyes.

    And you don’t have an agenda of driving civilization in the direction you want? Are you that blind to your own behavior? You’re engaging in a conversation about it and pushing a point, that’s an agenda.

    It’s always a situation where the few are carrying the many

    That’s very likely due to different people having different tolerance for exploitation. Just because you don’t mind being exploited try to be a good boot licker doesn’t mean others are bad because they don’t want to be exploited. Maybe in a different situation you’d be viewed as the lazy one. It’s not selfish to not work harder for another’s gain.