As with young college graduates, young high school graduates are experiencing a much stronger labor market today than before the pandemic and at any point since 2000. The fast economic recovery from the pandemic shock is a direct result of the aggressive fiscal policy response that matched the scale of the problem—in stark contrast to…
Perhaps you didn’t understand what “real wage gains” means? Because that doesn’t track based on the article.
Additionally, I’d be better off owing 999 than 1000, objectively.
I’m sorry. I thought you were legitimately asking for help and not “just asking questions” trying to have a debate.
I have no interest in getting into an argument or what you feel is a “debate”. I was just trying to help you understand some things you said you didn’t understand.
I just feel like that behavior is dishonest and won’t lead to productive discussions.
The article:
Yea, I hear ya.