• @[email protected]
    7410 months ago

    I think the part that bothers me the most is that, the customer is likely completely oblivious to the fact that a repair person used a third party part in their device.

    I don’t think most cellphone users are discerning enough to start checking if the repair place is actually licensed by Samsung to perform repairs or not. They just see the Samsung logo under the banner of “we fix these brands” and go in. As long as it’s fully working when they walk out, they couldn’t possibly give fewer shits whether genuine Samsung parts were used to fix the device.

    This is essentially victim blaming. Anyone who can fix the phone themselves with non-Samsung parts is going to do it themselves and never get “caught” doing it. So instead of “catching” the “bad actors” putting non Samsung parts into phones, they’re putting that responsibility on customers? That’s a PR nightmare. What the fuck are they thinking?

    • @Restaldt
      10 months ago

      $The$same$company$that$bundles$ bloat/mal/spyware$on$new$devices$


    • meseek #2982
      610 months ago

      I mean even before that, what VP thought this was a good move?!?! Like who is going to buy your brand again? It’s more amazing Samsung is so out of touch with reality.

      Companies are getting away with way too much these days.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        Well, I definitely agree that corpos are getting away with too much.

        The walled gardens of cellphones and whatnot creeping into vehicles, from farm equipment to consumer cars, this is just kind of ridiculous. Everyone wants to be the one-and-only that can do anything to the things you’ve purchased. We desperately need the right to repair for all things… Not just cars, phones, etc (even operating systems are trying to get into a walled garden situation).

        They’ve tribalised the very concept of owning something.

    • shastaxc
      510 months ago

      I’m guessing that samsung probably has a link on their website for people looking to repair their phones and on order to get your shop listed there you have to agree to use samsung certified parts