Those look like work boots, not hiking boots. But if you’re unable to break them in after 6 months, that usually means you got the wrong size. It shouldn’t take more than a few weeks. If you’re confident that they’re the right size, you can pull a trick from baseball players, and rub mink oil on the glove boot before wearing it for the day. The oil will soften up the leather and allow it to break in better. Then just strip the oils off with alcohol after they’re broken in, re dye them, and polish them. You can also try an old military/cowboy trick, which is to fill them with water and wear them until they dry out.
Those look like work boots, not hiking boots. But if you’re unable to break them in after 6 months, that usually means you got the wrong size. It shouldn’t take more than a few weeks. If you’re confident that they’re the right size, you can pull a trick from baseball players, and rub mink oil on the
gloveboot before wearing it for the day. The oil will soften up the leather and allow it to break in better. Then just strip the oils off with alcohol after they’re broken in, re dye them, and polish them. You can also try an old military/cowboy trick, which is to fill them with water and wear them until they dry out.They’re traditional Alpine hiking boots.