• partial_accumen
    134 months ago

    You say that, but your choice of messages are certainly a regularly occurring help to Trump.

    • @return2ozmaOP
      24 months ago

      Where’s the part where it helps Trump? We supposedly live in a democracy, I’m voicing my opinion.

      • partial_accumen
        4 months ago

        Where’s the part where it helps Trump?

        The part where the reality is we have a plurality voting system (“First past the post”) in place today.

        We supposedly live in a democracy,

        We do.

        I’m voicing my opinion.

        You are.

        I’m not saying the rule of law should prevent you from doing what you’re doing (I’m not a fan of fascism). However, you’re being willfully ignorant if you acknowledge our plurality voting system, but claim your work convincing people not to vote for Biden doesn’t also helps Trump become president again.

        • @return2ozmaOP
          -114 months ago

          Vote for whoever you want. Biden, Trump, third party, write in, don’t vote, your choice. Democracy at work.

          • partial_accumen
            94 months ago

            You asked how you’re helping Trump. I answered. Once again you ignore the reality of the plurality voting system and refuse to acknowledge the consequences of your actions in helping Trump become president.

            • @return2ozmaOP
              -94 months ago

              I guess every NBC News, CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, news orgs that dare criticize Biden are all “helping Trump” too then, right?

              • partial_accumen
                114 months ago

                Sorry, I’m not taking your distraction bait.

                If you are so strong in your convictions, so honest in your statements, and so solid in your belief of what you’re doing is right, why is it so difficult for you to admit the reality of what you’re doing? Even if I don’t agree with what you’re doing and why, I don’t see why you dance so hard around the fact that plurality voting, with your actions to convince people not to vote for Biden, are helping Trump?

                Why is that so hard for you to admit?

                  • partial_accumen
                    64 months ago

                    That is factually untrue in the plurality voting system we have.

                • @return2ozmaOP
                  -104 months ago

                  “oh no! Biden lost the whole election because of a meme on something called Lemmy!” Really?

                  If you base your vote or non-vote off of memes on a social media site…

                  • partial_accumen
                    84 months ago

                    Again, you dance away and refuse to admit. I will say this is helpful though. Any post in the future only needs to be pointed to this flow of conversation and see where you stand. Every refusal you remove any ambiguity of miscommunication. Your willful ignorance is on full display. Thank you.

                  • @[email protected]
                    84 months ago

                    “if I just litter a little bit, it doesn’t really matter”

                    This is a discussion forum on a meta meme about online discourse about voting choices.

                    You are in a discussion with someone about your choice, but the point of the thread is for readers as well.

              • @BallotOrTheBullet
                44 months ago

                In a way, yes. The mainstream media has consistently failed the electorate for years and years. They don’t get a pass.

                • @return2ozmaOP
                  -84 months ago

                  It sounds like you want to get rid of journalists unless they make the candidate you want look good. Slippery slope.

                  • @GroundedGator
                    34 months ago

                    Mainstream media has failed to provide equal and equitable coverage on the candidates. Often highlighting minor flaws of one while completely ignoring major flaws of another.

          • @[email protected]
            -24 months ago

            I don’t get it, what you detail is democracy, and these people are being hideous about it, if someone wants to vote third party then that’s they’re democratic right and to nag and ostracise someone for they’re democratic right is manipulative.

            • @PugJesus
              44 months ago

              if someone wants to vote third party then that’s they’re democratic right and to nag and ostracise someone for they’re democratic right is manipulative.

              Oh, right, only the people you agree with have the right to freedom of speech.

              • @[email protected]
                4 months ago

                No I am glad to look through the comments and see everyone use they’re freedom in a dignified and informative way, when freedom of speech turns to calling someone a slur *(used as a slur perhaps) like fascist or form a fictitious narrative meant to repress and shame is when I take issue.

            • @return2ozmaOP
              -44 months ago

              It’s nothing new. They scream and voter shame every election year. Been dealing with this for awhile now.

      • @[email protected]
        64 months ago

        If the race is neck and neck, and you vote for Micky mouse because you wanna feel superior to everyone around you, all you’ve done is make things worse.

        Depending on your location, you may have directly helped trump.

        • @PeggyLouBaldwin
          -44 months ago

          a vote for mickey mouse doesn’t help trump. only a vote for trump helps trump.

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            Wrong. In some cases, if your district is competitive, and you’ve decided to vote for not-trump, if you vote for anyone but the other competitive candidate (in this case Biden), you allow trump to pull ahead due to first past the post voting.

            Edit: hypothetically if only 4 people vote,

            2 for trump 1 for Biden 1 for mickey

            Trump wins.

            Edit edit or more compelling…

            5 total voters.

            2 for trump 1 for Biden 1 for Mickey and one abstains

            Trump wins. If the mickey and the abstain voters don’t want trump, their best action was to vote for Biden, as that would have achieved:

            2 for trump 3 for Biden 0 for mickey.

            Biden wins.

              • @[email protected]
                4 months ago

                Bullshit. All conditions I just laid out, were declared in my above comment. Including location dependence.

                Edit because you seem to need help… The location dependence I’m referring to is that you need to be in a sufficiently competitive location for that clause to be relevant.

                • @PeggyLouBaldwin
                  -34 months ago

                  you said a vote for anyone but Biden is a vote for trump. you’re backing away from that now, softening the claim to say it “allows him to pull ahead”. I’m just trying to keep the rhetoric honest.

                  • @[email protected]
                    24 months ago

                    If the race is neck and neck, and you vote for Micky mouse because you wanna feel superior to everyone around you, all you’ve done is make things worse.

                    Depending on your location, you may have directly helped trump.

                    That does not say “a vote for anyone but Biden is a vote for trump”… There are explicit conditionals that you’re ignoring lol

        • @return2ozmaOP
          -94 months ago

          Calm down. I’m in California. My vote doesn’t count.

          Go cry to the 65 million that don’t vote at all.

              • @[email protected]
                94 months ago

                No but I’ll happily call out people manipulating context to maliciously try to deflect and derail.

          • dream_weasel
            44 months ago

            Your anti Biden campaign is what counts here because a) we are all here and b) every voter who reads it is not in California. You want to hate Biden that’s totally fine and cool, but leave this hypocritical shit at home. You are an anti Biden loudspeaker around here, not an anti trump voice who likes Biden less.

            Most of us see your posts and roll our eyes, but if you sour 10 minds to Biden and your vote doesn’t count, who are you helping? Not the non voters, not the voters who feel like you just posted (of which I am one), just the red hat brigade.

            If you want to be for trump then do it, if you want to hate Biden do it, but you’re yanking our dicks around here and I for one don’t like it. Do what you want, but expect this kind of response from the community to keep worsening; not that a downvote ever hurt anybody.

            • @return2ozmaOP
              -14 months ago

              Continue to downvoted but also fight back for Biden. Start posting some positive articles and listing his policies and accomplishments. Better yet, sign up to volunteer for the Biden campaign. Phone calls, texts, canvassing, etc. I tried to find the volunteer sign up on Biden’s website but I don’t see one though so maybe he doesn’t care about volunteers.

              • dream_weasel
                34 months ago

                As I rule I don’t post because I get too sucked into it instead of, you know, being a good dad lol. Yes I also have not found a Biden volunteer option besides cold calling, so I walk for my state rep in my down time instead.