• @[email protected]
    254 months ago

    Ideological purity is great from the privileged position you must be in. The real results of Stein voters in the last election is millions losing rights to bodily autonomy, children being forcibly separated from families, a Christian nationalism Supreme Court, and a president playing favorites during the worst pandemic in living memory. There may be some compromises needed to fix a broken system but third parties are not likely to do anything except split the vote and cause harm

    • @freshcow
      4 months ago

      Give me a fucking break if you think Hillary Clinton losing is because of Jill Stein

      • @[email protected]
        134 months ago

        Stein and Johnson had between 2 (FL) and 20 (MI) times the number of votes making up the margin between Trump and Clinton in FL, WI, MI, and PA. That would have made a difference.

        Either way, no third party is viable under the current system and pretending otherwise is the luxury of people who won’t be targeted if the Trump administration is allowed back into power.

        • @III
          44 months ago

          It is the luxury of the profoundly dense as well. Plenty of non-cis white males vote third party.

          • @HauntedCupcake
            24 months ago

            Cis white males don’t benefit from a Trump presidency either, they just don’t get fucked quite as much as everyone else. They’re still going to get poorer and suffer from reduced workers rights.

            The only people who are truly safe are the ultra wealthy

        • @njordomir
          -24 months ago

          If enough people vote third party, it’s supposed to pull the big two towards them to recapture those voters. If the Dems aren’t courting these voters, it’s their fault and an indication that they can’t be trusted to represent us. Instead, they ignored us completely and will continue down the same bullshit paths that brought us here. If we don’t vote third party, nothing will change because the Dems view us as suckers who will fall in line. That’s why they shamelessly did Bernie dirty. Biden and the Dems have been flopping around their hardon for Israel while it’s obviously splitting their base. It’s almost like they want to lose.

          Having said all that, I may vote for Biden this time anyway because I told myself long ago that I would vote for the first prez who rescheduled or legalized cannabis.

      • @PeggyLouBaldwin
        -44 months ago

        i’m pretty sure it was the other way around. jill stein lost by fewer votes than hilary stole from the green party. the democrats spoiled the green revolution.

    • @PeggyLouBaldwin
      -114 months ago

      trump was carrying on the obama-era policy of child-separation, as biden continued after trump. biden also voted for most of the members of the court who overturned roe v wade. i don’t think biden is the guy for people who don’t like what trump did.

      • @[email protected]
        74 months ago

        There were absolutely changes in the separation policies across administrations. While it’s not perfect, we are compliant with international law and it was Trump driving from the sidelines that killed an immigration reform bill earlier this year.

        He could have only possibly have voted for 2 of the five in the majority in Dobbs. Any Democratic nominee to the court would be better for human rights and policy reform. Congressional majority beyond Sinema and Manchin could bring real court reform.

        The point still is that the philosophical argument for third party ignores the reality of the current system and the real cost for not presenting a unified front with the current voting system. Republicans are working to lock in any systematic advantage they can so the odds are already skewed. Democratic governments, currently at the state and local levels, are the only ones addressing gerrymandering (CA) and ranked choice (MA) which could make third parties viable but right now they are a vanity vote that distracts from the real harm being caused by one party.

        • @PeggyLouBaldwin
          -64 months ago

          I haven’t voted for a Democrat for president since 2008, and no amount of mischaracterization of the material facts is going to change that. if Democrats want my vote, it’s not as though they don’t know what Jill Stein or Cornel West or Claudia de la Cruz are doing to earn it.

          • @[email protected]
            114 months ago

            Sometimes it feels better to rage than to compromise but I’m guessing there is nothing I can say to change your mind. For those on the fence who may read this though: a third party will not win and not voting Democrat will cause real harm to any community that does not strictly adhere to Christian nationalism ideals.

                  • @[email protected]
                    94 months ago

                    Looking though your comment history, you say some wild shit like what you said above including vote splitting is a myth, and the same about candidate viability. Your comment history is about 60ish at time of replying and most of that was in the past couple of hours, and anything beyond 48 hours was done months ago and limited to less than 20 comments. You’re either off your meds or you’re insincere and this is a burn account. Considering the time frame, you’re either not actually a Russian Bot or you get up around 5, but frankly I don’t actually care because no one should ever take what you say seriously.

              • @[email protected]
                54 months ago

                In what way? I’m not sure how someone could make the “both sides” argument this broadly with the current state of both parties but I’ll bite.