Title reads like at ad, but this is a new way to reach energy independence. I actually have a small EcoFlow device and it’s pretty good for the price.

I hope this tech can be made available in the US soon.

  • @[email protected]
    6010 months ago

    Yeah, non-USA for this atm, as much fun as it would be to plug such a system into an apartment.

    I believe that the US requires that a direct-feed system has to plug into a physical kill switch setup to prevent back-feed of power during an outage.

    Still pretty neat, though!

    • Tar_Alcaran
      10 months ago

      Same for the EU.

      Solar inverters also need to follow the grid frequency

      • @MinorLaceration
        1810 months ago

        They don’t follow the grid frequency because the EU or US regulations require it, they follow the grid frequency because physics demands it.

        • @Pretzilla
          110 months ago

          Interesting - which other generators for example wouldn’t you want starting up?

            • @Pretzilla
              10 months ago

              I think I get that, thanks. So an Island grid is less stable and could cause itself damage if two microinverters say are trying to sync up to each other vs a beefy, stable main grid?

              So how does a backup battery system work when islanded? Typically also at 52Hz?

              Or can it go into a 60Hz beefy mode?

              It would be nice to get all the little island solar inverters working when the grid goes down!

              • @skyspydude1
                110 months ago

                I’m guessing the commenter above is in the EU and operating at 50Hz normally, so running at 60Hz wouldn’t be a great idea. A backup battery and such operate in the same way when islanding.

                  • @skyspydude1
                    110 months ago

                    IIRC some inverters are able to sync up with alternative power sources, but the documentation is extremely limited and seems to be reserved mostly for large-scale systems. I know my Solaredge system has slowly been implementing using both at the same time, but the documentation is pretty unclear as to how this works. I know at the very least it’ll allow you to use a 2-wire start to kick a standalone generator on when the batteries are low, but don’t know much else about how it’s currently set up

    • @[email protected]
      1610 months ago

      Also in the US regular 120v outlets are fed from 1 of 2 transformer legs. If you back fed power through a 120v outlet, roughly half of the circuits in your home would function and the others would be dead.

      • @Pretzilla
        410 months ago

        And disclaimer: no one should do this, but when the transfer switch disconnects from the grid, would it work to jump say a breaker across the L1-L2 hots to share that 120v backfeed over both?

        Clearly the 240v appliances won’t work in this configuration, but the fridge on one leg and the internet on the other will still work ok, right?

        Again, no one try this - it’s just a thought exercise.

        • @skyspydude1
          610 months ago

          Yes, it will actually work. I know it’s very much not to code, but when we lost power for over 10 days, I did this to keep our furnace running and us from freezing to death since it was -10F out.

          I only have a small 120V generator, but hooked both legs to hot and backfed via our EV charger’s outlet, since its a 50A circuit. Like you said, nothing 240V worked, but that little 3kW generator did a great job powering basically the whole house with no issues.

          That winter was definitely a big driver for me to get a backup battery system so our solar could power the house.

    • @farcaster
      610 months ago

      According to the article this system also detects power outages and shuts off when they happen. Just like full-scale solar power systems. But yeah, no physical kill switch.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        That’s great, but it doesn’t matter unless it has the physical cutoff that’s required to bring that kind of system up to the current electrical code for such a system.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          Physical shutoff via relays is required by the standard. We’ve just been through a scandal where a manufacturer skimped out on putting them in and had to recall the devices.

    • @mal3oon
      210 months ago

      I hate technologies that limit cannot use with another manufacturer’s battery". Smells monopoly.