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A comic

Windows OS: “We have a brand new feature called Windows Recall that you might like!”

Guy: “Oh boy! What does it do?”

Windows: “It helps you find anything you’ve seen on your PC by using clues you give or by letting you scroll through your past activity!”

Guy: “Wow! How does this tech work?”

Windows: “Our Windows AI constantly takes pictures of your screen and saves all that data”

  • (⬤ᴥ⬤)
    149 months ago

    like, as far as features go it’s not a bad concept.
    being able to go “what’s that post about the thing i saw a week ago” is nice and i might even use it if every part of the system was open source and, you know, not made by microsoft, but as it stands even it it works as advertised and is 100% local i just don’t trust them to not have some “telemetry” that’s collating everything i ever do, ask, or think

    • @Darorad
      119 months ago

      Eh, even then it’s a gold mine of information on you if your PC ever gets a virus or stolen.

      Encryption would help, but not for all scenarios.

    • @riodoro1
      69 months ago

      Microsoft struggles for years to make a good video calling software and the bought skype. What makes you believe this feature would work at all?