The game got way better two years ago, and it continues to grow and get updates.

  • @Postmortal_Pop
    278 months ago

    I’d love to play it, but I can’t get behind paid for server access. I don’t see why I can’t local host it for whew two people in my life I would play with.

    • @CosmoNova
      168 months ago

      I tried it when I used the gamepass trial and it simply doesn’t feel like Fallout to me. And sure the show helped a little but the numbers aren’t even that high and already dropping. With it’s disastrous release and old tech it will never be a big thing anyway.

      Kind of a shame Bethesda slept on the show so hard they’re opting for a cheap and quick Fortnite collaboration now to make at least some money from the hype before the show concludes in a couple years. Because they won‘t have anything ready by then either.

      • @Postmortal_Pop
        108 months ago

        Which is a baffling shame because honestly they could just buy the rights to some of the bigger mods and integrate the fully and they’d never have to make another game again. Instead they repeatedly dick over our ignore the best part of their games.

    • Asherah
      17 months ago

      Private worlds are over hyped, the way the game works you kinda need a large server or events will be failed left and right. I’d just recommend ripping the band-aid off and playing on public servers. It’s extremely fun and the sense of belonging and community is wonderful.