The project has been in the works for a while. About a year ago it seems several YouTube videos were released covering it. Here is one by T0nik. I was pleasantly surprised to see it is being worked on.

If you are interested in this kind of thing you might also be interested in Project Arroyo. It’s a remake of Fallout 2 in Fallout 4’s engine. There’s also the older project The Chosen’s Way, it is also trying to remake Fallout 2, but in Fallout New Vegas’ engine. As far as I can tell that one has been abandoned for years now.

Pretty much every Fallout game (and Van Buren) has some kind of remake or port project if you want to go really down the rabbit hole but a lot of them lose momentum after a while.

  • BarrierWithAshes
    2310 months ago

    I have a list going. There’s about 15 major fallout fangame projects right now. I’ve considered writing an article because there’s so many. Hell Fallout: Vault 13 is another one that got some buzz about 2 weeks ago.

    • @camr_on
      510 months ago

      Write it! I need you to track them so I don’t have to lol

      • BarrierWithAshes
        510 months ago

        Ah sure, why not. I already have the excel sheet done. I’ll throw something together.

    • CorrodedOP
      210 months ago

      Nice. Is it going to contain projects that are abandoned, have been rebranded, are in a extended hiatus, or rarely/infrequently receive updates?

      I used to track a few but figuring out what was still being worked on was a challenge.

      Some that come to mind are Fallout 4 New Vegas (Fallout NV in Fallout 4’s engine), The Capital Wasteland Project (Fallout 3 in Fallout 4’s engine), FreeFT (an open source version of Fallout Tactics), Fallout 3/NV in OpenMW (an open source engine for TES Morrowind), and all the Van Buren fan recreations.

      I know The Capital Wasteland Project was briefly cancelled due to legal reasons before coming back for example but I feel like a majority of them simply lose momentum after the initial hype.

      • BarrierWithAshes
        210 months ago

        It will focus on total conversions of the main games. So Miami, Frontier, that mod that’s set in Oregon, the Russian one for Fallout 2 (can’t remember the name ATM), London, the Van Buren Remake, etc. I’ve never heard of Fallout 3 in OpenMW but I’ll be including that now. That sounds neat.

        Problem is I made this list awhile ago and never checked if the projects were active or not. I’ll be checking that. But its gonna be anything I’ve seen that I though looked cool, no matter inactivity or how early in development.

        I’ll even throw in a mention of similar games like Ashes 2063.